Sunday, July 24, 2011

Somebodys Back ;)

So this has been my longest stay away from the blog. I just asked Mr.Spider to vacate this blog. He had been occupying the space since 8 months now... that too free of cost... by the time he vacates the space... lets have a quick chat ;)

My god.. I keep professing that one thing i cant stand is Hyporcisy and I was behaving like one since so many months ;)
I re-read this blog of mine and thought mann was this me who wrote something like this last year and forgot to walk my talk ;)

PS: The contents of this blog is purely ficticious (If any manager is reading this). There is no resemblance to reality. If it colides with any project situation right here in Teradata then it should be considered as purely co-incidental ;)

One McCain with a “Cane” ;)

Scene 1

Venue - Home 

Dad : " If you walk out of that door, make your own stay arrangements"
Me : ( thought to myself – He would never mean that. ) : Heh ! Ok !
Dad : "I mean that !."
Me : ( thought to myself - Shit . He means that .) : Gulp ! Ok !

And exactly 1 hour later the veneue changes.

Scene 2

Venue: My boss’s cabin.

Boss: "You are assigned to One McCain SAP Project. You would need to go to Canada soon"
Me : (Thinking Yupieee... Finally I find shelter )
Boss : "I would say, give it a thought."
Me : "Nopes, I already have thought , I so wanna go for it"
Boss : "Ok."

Scene 3

Venue: Canada

Someone's slogan applied to me,
"Work Work Work" ... do not flee ;) (Hey was that Jayson ;) hahaha)

Not sure how I let this happen,
But McCain became the love of my life,
Even on dates I would talk about One McCain ;),
Even my dreams were captured by One McCain ;) (I know too much of One McCain happening ;) )

I soon join the club of "Workoholics"...

The types who are the only ones spotted 12 at midnight with laptop,
The types who have taken a total of 5 (I am bad with numbers) not 5 but 4 holidays since Dec 2010,
The types for who Monday is no more a scary day,
The types who send out office mails every weekend,
The types who do not care of month end salary day,
The types who have their cars in the office parking lot when all the other ones have left...

I thought, my picture would be in the Guiness Book soon. Front cover . Full color ;)


For the maximum promises made to my loved ones,
For double the promises broken in shortest span,

Then one day I thought...

What’s the fun in having a life which can be taken as a “Research Project” by the white people…
And being flashed on BBC someday…and maybe in the "History Channel"
Which my great grandchildern can watch ;)

Scene 4

Venue: My boss’s cabin again

Boss: "You want to think again?"
Me (thought to myself- Rashmi,think again. It has been proved that A woman without money is mathematically equal to woman without a guy within a radius of atleast Five kilometers): "No."
Boss : "I would say, give it a thought."
Me ( thought to myself – So I need to get to a distance of more than 5 kilometers from myself to get married !) : "Nopes, I already have thought , I do not want to continue."
Boss : "Ok."

And with that sigh infested two lettered 'Ok', I backed off from the biggest project in my company...

Scene 5

Venue : Manila

Wondered, one more flight for project sake,
With oh the severe toothache ;)
I know Jim Cary might have just committed suicide,
After reading my pathetic sense of humor ;)

But guess what...

Something tickled inside me,
Something whistled inside me,
Something I thought I left behind,
Deep inside, found it still alive...

Team, rocked,
Sitting behind doors locked ;)
Look how pathetic my rhymes can get..
Oh c'mon... stop forget ;)

Daily Late night call,
Walking all the way to see a "Wall" (Phew!)
Playing badmintion during working hours,
C'mon... priority matters, hence breaking the laws ;)

Star City was fun,
Fear we could see in ton (Nino,was truly brave though... heheh)
Someone's poses topped the list... simply wow,
Opps! sorry those pics are confidential somehow ;)

Farewell's... 30th Birthday was fun (Well.. trying to be good here to someone ;) )

Jokes Apart now!

Truly, 2 weeks of mine rocked there,
Re-united with the fun side of me that was missing somewhere,
But, you guys rock that's totally clear,
I will surely rethink about "US" that's coming near :)

PS – Considering my management may read this, please promise me you will contribute money, utensils or old toys to help me escape to Canada or Noida at the opportune time.. ;)

Got to go now...And my parents definitely need something good to start believing that their girl can still appreciate a day without a laptop, project issues and pink slip warnings in it...

We will talk again , soon.

Rashmi _________ (24th July, 2011)