Sunday, November 11, 2012

Piece by Piece by Piece

Piece by Piece by Piece________________________________

Still seemed still,
Moist as dew,
Wet as clay,
You gathered me…


You built,
Piece by piece by piece…

Hands with,
Which you pray,
You moulded me,
Inward out…


You showered,
Piece by piece by piece…

Drew me out in blue,
Your shade helped me,
Yes it was you,
Who lead me through…

Again Hoped,

You built me,
Piece by piece by piece…

Yet weak,
And you go silent,
Words I need,
As still I am weak…

Smashed !
Demolished !
Scattered !

You left me,
Piece by piece by piece…

Somehow I heaped my pieces in a sack
Piled them up in one tall stack
Tattooed is my world gone black
Yet you will watch how I build myself back


Piece by piece by piece…
________________________Rashmi (11th November, 2012)

Please…Take me

Please…Take me____________________________________________

Slient whispers,
Unsaid words,
Reach out fast,

Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

Dual living,
Seen around,
Nasty words,

Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

Smiling faces,
Smoky hearts,

Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

I know,
You too,
Faced rejection,

But, please,
Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

I know,
You once said,
Its not gonna be easy,

But, please,
Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

Feel caged,
My Lord,
Hold me near,

And please,
Take me,
Nearer to Thee,
And set me free…

______________________Rashmi(11th November, 2012)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cracks Seen

Cracks seen__________________________________________

Glaring eyes,
Nasty tongue,
Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

My existence,
All over again,
Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

All said,
All left,
Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

Both killing,
Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

All at once,
Oh the pain…

Piece by Piece,
Cracks seen…

All around,
Hence the pain…

Piece by piece,
Cracks seen…

Please come,
Take away,
The pain…

Piece by piece,
And make,
Cracks unseen…
________________________Rashmi (6th November, 2012)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Moments to Remember

Moments to Remember

• Day: Tuesday Morning
• Time: Does that matter ;)
• Location: Driving Honda City ( lol… Well Honda city that my driving class owns… me poor ya… just have an Indica ;) )

Jokes apart… So by now you get the plot… I hope…I know you guys are definitely not as dumb as me ;)

By road side I could see a poor man was trying to pour some kind of liquid on the leg of a street dog… the first thought that crossed my little mind was that this guy has lost it and not sure why is he bothering the dog… but as I took the car ahead I looked back and saw something that just humbled my heart within few seconds…

The dog was wounded… and the poor man was pouring oil on the dogs wound… that sight was so blissful that it just made me wonder… how many of us would take out time to feel the pain of that little dog and actually do what that man was doing…

And the most important point that crossed my mind was … that man himself had nothing much to offer… but with whatever he had he gave the little dog some relief and joy…


Reminded me of the story in the Bible… Here it goes

Book of Mark Chapter 12 Verse (41-44)

The Widow’s Offering

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

So many gatekeepers God send in our lives everyday… and most of the time (at least in my case) have been strangers… little things they do just make me wonder… truly me, you and everyone around can just be touched with love… simple acts… simple words of care… makes our heart go humble…

The sight of the poor man helping the little dog just brought tears in my eyes… how much more would he do if he was provided with enough like us… though he had nothing, his heart had so much to offer… God must be loving that act more than anything…

And I can actually imagine my dear friend God up there… smiling … with tears in His eyes with the sight of the poor man… and he must have got more blessing than anyone else today…

Love you lord for these little pearls of wisdom you shower on me each day… Which adds on in my life what I call- “Moments to Remember”

___________________________Rashmi (6th November, 2012)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Little Things

Little Things___________________________________

Your endless questions,
Indeed endless I tell you,
Asking how was my day,
Every tiny little details…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

Some talks you do,
Just to fill up the silence,
Indeed they make no sense,
But I love them all…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

All the attempts you make,
Each try you have given,
To help me be myself,
And be the same as ever…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

The zeal with which,
You be awake all night,
Just to get a moment,
To talk to me…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

The time you take out,
To know what I love,
And try real hard to see,
Things from my view…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

Your simple requests,
That I keep rejecting,
But you never insist,
And you let me be…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

The patience you show,
Each time I lose mine,
And keep silent,
And wait to see me calm…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

Not sure what you see,
To still be there,
Standing rock solid,
And not leave…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

The wait you show,
For me to tell you,
Each day,
How much you mean to me…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

When you say,
You never loved anyone else,
The way,
You love me…

These little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

I know how much you hate,
When I don’t let,
These little things,
Slip out of my mouth…

But these little things,
Add up to you,
And makes me,
Love you more each day…

All I want you to know,
I am here,
For you,
Now and forever…

So today I,
Let these little things,
Slip out of my mouth,
Just for you…

All these little things… Add up to you…

_________________________Rashmi (4th November, 2012)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Come Along

Come Along_______________________________

In midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
A sound even if loud,
Sounds like a distant echo…

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
A recent memory,
Seems like ages ago…

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
Even the best of place, 
Seems oh so dull… 

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
Friends laughter,
Sounds like a whisper…

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
Even with a “smart” phone,

You feel disconnected…

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
Even with loved ones,
You see strange unknown faces…

In the midst of crowd,
If you seek for space,
People, places all seem,
To be in distant lands…

Sometimes, we feel, 
We just don't belong,
We look around for,
The one we belong to,
Wait for him(her) to come up,
Look into our eyes,
Offer his(her) hand to hold,
And say, "Come along..."

______________________________Rashmi (3rd November, 2012)