Thursday, August 30, 2012


Inspired by the hymn - Still - By Hillsong


Be with me,
Do not flee…

I will be still
And know you are God…

Give me rest,
In midst of quest…

I will be still
And know you are God…

Be my eye,
Help me see…

I will be still
And know you are God…

Hold my hand,
Help me stand…

I will be still
And know you are God…

Please be near,
Help me hear…

I will be still
And know you are God….

Hold me,
Make me free…

Till then… Still…
I will be still
And know you are God…

___________________________Rashmi(30th August, 2012)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

3 Magical Words

Its been ages that I have penned down something.... 

Got my hands on notebook of a school kid... when I was going through the same i could see all possible colors .... all possible remarks of the teacher... But one page just made me stop...

Exercise for that day was ... write 3 magical words on a picture of a flower... towards the left side of the page I could see the flower drawn ofcourse in the color which i so love.... PINK... (being sarcastice here ok ... hehe)

The flower had 3 petals... and inside the three petails were the three magical words scribbled 

1. Please
2. Sorry
3. Thank You :)

I just stared at that page for a while... Little things taught in school... Little minds moulded to see a beautiful world.... but the scary truth that the world out there is not this humble... 

3 magical words indeed so true... how many of us remember this... and how many of us find the need to say this... especially to our loved ones... 

I guess best teachers for our fast generation today are these kids... they are learning what we have forgotten long back...

______________________________Rashmi (10th August, 2012)