Saturday, March 16, 2013

Deep in Love with you Lord

Inspired by the Song- Deep In Love with You by Michael Smith

Deep in Love with You Lord

When I see,
The pinned up stars,
All night long,
And I see you smiling down at me…
That’s when I know,
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I miss,
My family back home,
And ‘Your’ face,
Brings back my smile,
That’s when I know,
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I search,
For my friends,
And you whisper,
“I am your friend indeed”
That’s when I know,
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I hear no voice,
This quietness makes me flee,
And I hear your voice saying,
“In quietness I reside”,
That’s when I know…
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I want to know it all,
About my life, right now,
And I hear you say,
“Patience with Me is – Faith”
That’s when I know…
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I break down,
Searching for a familiar face,
In this new place,
And I see you all around…
That’s when I know
I am… Deep in Love with you Lord…

When I try to find,
My old life here,
And you hold my hand,
Leading me to a new life,
That’s when I know,
You are… Deep in Love with me Lord…

_________________________Rashmi(16th March, 2013)