Monday, August 12, 2013

Simplify Life

Simplify Life…

We all started the race… Race to the finish line… Right? We all want to get there…”There”… yeah right… frankly speaking… none of us really have any idea where this “There” is located…  But we all are heading there… in our heads of course…

 Unknown pressure always surrounds us… Way back in school it was studies… then came time when we had to nail down career options…. And now it’s the job life… In the midst of all this we decide to get married… looks like a simple new addition in our life… But what about the rearrangements that would be needed… are we ready for that?

Our parent’s generation was nice… in one simple word I can say it was simply “Simple”… rather it still is… They do not run after career… do they? They do not run after money… They know what they need… and they know where to halt… the technologically retarded generation so to speak… but they live their life the best possible way… Their top priority is pretty simple… –Family… Simple, isn’t it... And they are happy :)

We complicated everything… Our single, love and married life… In the endless race to gain more and more … We moved out to gain more and lost the little things that add up to life… Whatsapp has reduced phone calls… Phone calls have reduced face to face talks… We live in a generation that talks to walls – The so called “Facebook Wall”….We try and be connected to the entire world but do we know the one who stays next door… Sighh!!!

Saturation is on its way… And when it will get saturated… we will love our parent’s generation… we will look for the simplicity in our lives… where all they got to worry about is family… work life is a medium for leading a happy family life… not the reverse… And its only possible when we start taking simple steps to – Simplify Life…

I have started taking my little steps in that path…. Trust me, it takes most of the burden off our shoulders…And I am loving it already….

____________________________Rashmi (12th August, 2013)