Friday, September 6, 2013

Simple Traditions – How wonderful

Simple Traditions – How wonderful…

Today after ages, talking to a friend made me feel at home… Felt like ok what I was thinking until now wasn’t wrong… 

Yes we live in this era of yes the world is changing… and we too need to change… But seriously we have stopped evaluating if change is worth it or not…

At times while you are surrounded in a world where you need to justify what enjoyment is all about… You need to give an account of how you spend your long weekend or weekends to all…. Write down about where you are, what you are doing, how you feel about things, uploading picture s so that all believe you are at a particular place…. Yes a facebook era… Everyone’s personal journal for today…

What we have lost in our lives are – Simple family traditions and how wonderful they are… Well if you ask me a simple tradition that my mom always did was give me a choco bar ice cream every Sunday post lunch…. Might sound silly today but I can’t tell you how much I used to wait for Sundays for that ice cream… Similarly there are list of things my mom used to do which had become a part of our simple personal family tradition….

Now that I am married… Me and Samit spend exclusive time with each other… God has blessed him with work from home option and I know it’s a temporary blessing… But rather than taking this for granted we spend lot of time together…. Talk a lot… go for walks… cook together… eat together… go to Church together… 

Everything passes… and I know this phase too shall pass… some pre planned activities will take up my time in the upcoming year… and we will have less time for each other… but having few family traditions is so much important... to look forward for it each day  or each week as married couple...indeed wonderful… 

We can stay “simple”…. and yet be happy... We need not catch a flight every long weekend to make it special… You need not eat in a fancy restaurant each day to make your day special… If you are together as a family but someone is on the phone, watching TV, busy with work calls, it’s not “quality” time… Key is having a family culture of spending quality time together…  

Like yesterday at 9 pm I felt like baking a cake…. Just out of the blue and I did bake one … it was a special moment created out of nothing… but it was special… I do that often…. Need not wait for an occasion, a special day to do something special… and something “simple” can also be simply special…

So what is your family tradition :)

________________________Rashmi(6th September, 2013)