Friday, December 13, 2013

You Love us Anyway

You Love us Anyway…

Every year as this day comes by,
The day of Your birth,
So many questions make me sigh,
Were we worthy of your death?

And despite our selfish way,
You love us anyway,
This one truth will surpass every doubt,
Yes, that You love us anyway…

Each day to become worldly,
So many reasons we find,
But one glance at the cross,
Gives us zillion reasons to rewind…

And despite our selfish way,
You love us anyway,
This one truth will surpass every doubt,
Yes, that You love us anyway…

You were guilty and ashamed,
For the things you did not do,
How much more we need to be,
Guilty…For the things we do…

And despite our selfish way,
You love us anyway,
This one truth will surpass every doubt,
Yes, that You love us anyway…

You bore our shame,
You died the death we deserved,
And now we know,
What is grace all about…

And despite our selfish way,
You love us anyway,
This one truth will surpass every doubt,
Yes, that you love us anyway…

We do not have room for pride,
Of any kind to live,
“It is Finished”
, when you cried…
It was only you who paid our price...

And despite our selfish way,
You chose to die for us,
This one truth will surpass every doubt,
Yes, that you love us anyway…

____________________________Rashmi(12th December, 2013)