Friday, August 22, 2014

Oh you loved me

Parent child relationship is very sensitive… Blind Faith is something a child has on his/her parent… but when that faith breaks and when parental love becomes conditional love… something inside the child breaks… and leaves a life time scar…

Dedicated to all children who have been through that pain…

Oh you loved me_____________________________

Gently you held me as a seed,
Gave me the best spot indeed,
Place I called home,
Place where love was first known…

Oh you loved me…

You nurtured me,
Watered me,
With all your love,
You caressed me…

Oh yes, you loved me…

Slowly I grew,
Roots went deep,
Tall I stood,
I made you proud I knew…

Oh you loved me…

Then one day I heard a voice,
Chop Chop Chop!!!
I looked down to see the face,
My faith in a second was misplaced…

Oh didn’t you once love me….

The axe went through my flesh,
Immense pain I felt,
Was it the blood or was it you,
Which pain was worse I didn’t know…

Oh I thought you loved me so…

One last blow,
And down I fell,
That last breath,
As I stared at you….

Oh did you ever love me…

You were my father,
I was your child,
But you did not cry,
I wondered why?

Oh was your love a lie?

My roots went numb,
No longer was I tall,
You smiled and said,
As I lay down dead…

“Oh why did you fall sick my tree”….

_______________________________Rashmi(22nd August, 2014)