Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day__________________________________________

Feels so good to sit down and write my blog after ages… Feels like in a blink 3 years have passed….

Getting married for me meant leaving everyone I ever knew… my family my friends…leaving everything I ever did… my job my career… ( thanks to the visa poicy)…leaving the country I ever lived… and moving all the way to a new place a different time zone with a person whom I hardly knew (Back then)…. This meant no emotional support of family and friends around and no job

Contrary to what might happen in a movie, this was real life and I didn’t immediately hook up with a tight-knit group of new friends…  No office meant no co-workers to meet…. in short no social life apart from my husband… Sure, I had “my friends,” but they were now 12+ hours away…Not exactly convenient when you want to grab coffee and talk….

But to be honest I did not regret my decision for a second… the compromise was worth it… I got to spend time with my husband and with his “work from home” policy we really got to live with each other (literally 24*7)… that’s tough as we got no break from each other… haha…

From the corporate worlds four walls I moved into four walls of my house… so the journey of making house into a home began… trust me be it work or home management skills are indeed needed…. My focus and energy went into all of that for the next 2 years of my life… was it worth it… It definitely was… what’s the reward…Yes no month end salary… but lots of love and satisfaction and peace which I had not experienced for quite some time…. My promotions, official foreign tours had not given me that happiness which this 2 year of married life offered me…

Yes I missed my friends my family my city… I missed them lots…. Being in a different time zone and far away meant I just couldn’t talk to them when I felt like or meet them when I wanted to… But that’s a life God offered me and I needed to respect that without cribbing…

So far so good….

But then came another big change in our lives… We became pregnant… Did we plan it… yes we did… did we know what we were signing up for… definitely we didn’t …

 I never intended to be pregnant without friends or family, other than my husband, nearby for support… (Emotional support)But that’s exactly what happened.. Saying it has been less than ideal would be an understatement.

It’s hard. Very hard.

In the past when my friends would announce their pregnancy we’d rally around them, offering a community of help. I took that for granted, assuming my time would come and I would have the same experience…But my pregnancy started in a lonely city where I had only my husband around… Of course I could call people, and my husband has gone above and beyond in his support... But sometimes you need a friend/family physically near you, not just on the other end of a phone…

On a positive note, my husband and I grew even closer during this time… He was always around… I can’t imagine living with a pregnant wife (First three months indeed is tough) but he never once complained… and those 9 months flew… how I wish I had my friends and family around but again that was Gods will for my life so He did provide me and my husband the strength to go through it too…

Then came the big day when my little bundle of joy made her grand entry… Yes she arrived…. My little winter munchkin…

As they say… no one can prepare you for motherhood… it feels like “on the job” training…. Your baby trains you… one day at a time…

She is 4 month old today and I feel time is slipping by… I want her to grow up but at the same time secretly deep down I wish she stays as little as she is today… Being around her 24*7 is a blessing (which I feel God has given me)… yes its tough again… We get no breaks… if I would be working I would get some “ME” time… I would get to meet my friends at work and do something apart from taking care of my baby full time….

But if i halt and think again this time will pass soon…my baby will outgrow my lap soon... She will grow up soon and walk away too someday... Later even if i would have all time in the world for her she would be busy in her new world.... So I do not want to miss any of her growing moment while I am having my “ME” time… always want to be around her… catering to her little and big needs… being around her both physically and emotionally… 

Want to live each moment around her as long as it lasts....

Finally this mother’s day my baby has given me a chance to become her mom…  I just hope and pray I can be the kind she is looking for…

Happy Mothers Day to all !!!

_______________________________________Rashmi ( May 3, 2016)