Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am dumb… Totally Dumb

I am dumb… Totally Dumb...

The distance between “Sensible Thoughts” and “Me” is so far that it would make the distance between “Moon” and the “Earth” sound near… Indeed… But today I had a zabardast discussion about “Love” or you can say “People In Love” with one of my friend…

Few days back , while returning home from work , me and my friends stopped by at Cafe Coffee Day...And sitting there and chomping on a vegetable sandwich , I looked around at all the "couples" who sat around me...Holding hands...Shy smiles….Loud giggles...People in "love" maybe...

Love… As in, the "boy-girl" love…Ok….ladies first…As in the "girl-boy" love…

If you shifted to earth very recently, I can understand….But if you have been around on this planet for anything more than 15 minutes , you would have heard this word… “Love”... For a bollywood director , "Love" must be the greatest invention ever , right next to fire and wheel.To spot a UFO while on your way to office tomorrow is easier than spotting a movie which does not involve the deadly trio - boy , girl , love…

My friend says he is in "love" with the girl who works at the second floor of his office…The other day, I saw the boy who hands out the food in our office cafeteria , with the guy who does the dishes...Maybe , they are in "love" too...(Legalized hai boss ye bhi)…Even the cyber world is bustling with desperate flirts who hope to find "love"…

And then this boyfriend-girlfriend thing…It’s like a toothbrush…You got to have one…

" Hi , I have brain cancer."
Thats ok , we all gotta die anyways...

"Hello , I got limphoosirkoma of the intestine."
Chill , Rajesh Khanna in "anand" had it too.

"Namaste , my house burned down last night."
Arre tension nahi yaar , these things happen.

"Hey , I dont have a boyfriend."
What ! Why did not you tell me about this ? Oh poor girl, everything will be fine.God can be real cruel sometimes...

People I am not here to make fun of people in “love”… but I feel there are two different aspects...To love someone…And to be loved…It is said "to be loved" is a natural need…And for me , its a “need” and not “love”...As long as you want this person or need this person , you dont love him , you love yourself and want "to be loved"…Love is not meant to be a selfish thing…Love is much harder and selfless than that…To love is not to wish for someone to be with oneself , but to give up oneself for that someone...Love is not in sharing coconut water on some beach, but in staying thirsty if it helps him…Love is not in him coming to you , but to care for him when you know he would not come to you…

For me , love's beauty is in being so consumed with it , that you forget your pains and smile , just because he smiled somewhere , aware of your existence no longer…

Love is not about wanting him , but wanting his happiness , with you or without you…

I am no authority...I am no love guru with the sagacious face and the halo around my head...I am no headmaster of the "Institute of Love Matters" ( ILM.doesnt sound bad ).Infact I am more like someone who flunked brutally in this zone… But the way love is seen as some "coochie-coochie-valentines-gift-holding hands" concept leaves me feeling funny...Love is hard...Love is not a punishment which leaves you restless…But it is something which makes you feel a bliss in a punishment , just because he is happy…

I am not looking at any roses placed between yellowed pages…And I do not wish to insult anyone's feelings…Just that I feel, that to love someone is supposed to be something very deep and heartfelt, that when you say "I love you" to a guy , realise the responsibility and commitment it stands for... Its not about you anymore...Its about him...And I am not trying to preach anything here , please...Just that I felt something ,and wrote it….And if I dont make sense , and you wonder what's the problem with me - see the title to the post… ;)

_________________________Rashmi(16th January,2011)

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