Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Who to please?

Who to please?

Senses have become numb… To the point that have lost the judegement on which situations to react… and which situation to be patient…

Events that would trigger me earlier… no longer trigger me today… Reached a phase where in I have to now think … ok…. Does this affect me… if yes ok I got to react… Or think… I guess I reacted last time… didn’t work out much in my favour… so rather be quite… which simply means that the event does affect me but I rather chose to be quite and move on with things…

These days I am actually thinking what affects me… who affect me… And those who do… are they truly worth investing time on…

Truly the sad part is… have drilled down to the fact that… Only God affects me… which means His will affects me… Good or Harsh… Whatever decision He would take like a parent in my life will affect me… Like it or not… His Will I have to accept it… Not out of force … but out of love… as I know that my spiritual parent can do no wrong… His actions are not influenced by what people would think… His decisions for me are not based on people around… His anger is not because I failed to reach the standards laid down by the world… But because I failed to reach the standards laid down by He himself… 

Why am I saying this…

As I am a little too tired of pleasing people around… Be it my family… or friends... and so called people around (Char log kya bolenge types)… I feel like I am split now… And that too for nothing… 99% things we do is to satisfy other peoples expectation which is again not their own expectation but of the world… In this rush and run do we get time to sit quitely and think what really should matter… yes family… friends matter a lot… but do things because you love them… but I see most of the times issues in relations happens more because we fail to please the world as per them… but are we living to do that?

So finally I drilled down to the fact that its best to just please God… who is just… and I see if I aim to please God alone… implicitly all underlying relations will stabalize… as Gods path is always of Love… more you are closer to God… more it is easy to  love others… more easy to forgive others… more easy to let go… as there is no way you can love God and hate anyone… You know why… That little whisper which I call Gods voice keeps echoing inside and it says…” please forgive… please let go… don’t be rude… don’t lie… don’t be angry…” Trust me… and the speed and frequency with which you hear this voice just doubles when you are closer to God…

So don’t be worried if you hear this voice more often… in fact rejoice… as it simply means… You are closer to God than ever before… And trust me … It’s a beautiful feeling… 

And reverse of this would be… if you constantly hear voices like… “ Give it back to him… be rude… be angry… run after money… how can you be satisfied with where you are “… Simply means you are farther away from God than you really think you are… as God of all people cant say these things…

Peace… indeed peaceful is the feeling when I now know that I got to please just one person – God… and rest all relations will fall into place… As He will make sure it does :)

_________________________________Rashmi (31st October, 2012)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lost without You

Lost without You…

A lot,
For bliss,

But …was still “Lost”

A lot,
For peace,
In family…

But …was still “Lost”

A lot,
For love,
Amongst friends…

But …was still “Lost”

A lot,
For trust,
In few…

But …was still “Lost”

Looked around,
Was waiting…

Right there,
I saw “Him”,

Ran to “Him”,
Hugged “Him”…

Knew right there…
I was lost without “Him”
Was lost without you my Lord…

_____________________________Rashmi(29th October, 2012)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Calmness of Buddha

Calmness of Buddha

Read about this man,
Born as a prince,
Curious was he,
Since his childhood…

He questioned anything,
And everything,
Poverty surprised him,
Death surprised him even more…

Zillion questions,
In search of truth,
Leaving his wife and kid,
He set out one fine day…

Imagine a Prince,
Living a life of a yogi,
Away from all…

He reached the state,
Of calmness,
True meaning of life he got…

Buddha was his name,
Only name I can think,
Who could go that far,
To achieve true happiness…

Todays world,
So much junk we see,
So much more we hear,
And much much more we carry…

No room for others,
No room for ourselves,
No room for anything,
Such shallow lives we live…

Simple life complicated,
By our own deeds,
And we blame others,
For the choices we make…

Still wonder,
A prince could leave his empire,
And we feel dejected,
To leave the external bliss…

But I feel its time,
To at least try to achieve,
In the midst of noise,
“Calmness of Buddha”…

____________________________Rashmi(23rd October, 2012)