Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Calmness of Buddha

Calmness of Buddha

Read about this man,
Born as a prince,
Curious was he,
Since his childhood…

He questioned anything,
And everything,
Poverty surprised him,
Death surprised him even more…

Zillion questions,
In search of truth,
Leaving his wife and kid,
He set out one fine day…

Imagine a Prince,
Living a life of a yogi,
Away from all…

He reached the state,
Of calmness,
True meaning of life he got…

Buddha was his name,
Only name I can think,
Who could go that far,
To achieve true happiness…

Todays world,
So much junk we see,
So much more we hear,
And much much more we carry…

No room for others,
No room for ourselves,
No room for anything,
Such shallow lives we live…

Simple life complicated,
By our own deeds,
And we blame others,
For the choices we make…

Still wonder,
A prince could leave his empire,
And we feel dejected,
To leave the external bliss…

But I feel its time,
To at least try to achieve,
In the midst of noise,
“Calmness of Buddha”…

____________________________Rashmi(23rd October, 2012)

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