Thursday, February 28, 2013

He Wept

 He Wept___________________________

In silence,
In solace...

For us... He wept...

With heavenly father,
In solace...

For us... He wept...

With disciples,
In solace...

For us... He wept...

Seeing his people's,
In solace...

For us... He wept

Feeling betrayed,
By a friend (Judas),
In solace... 

For us... He wept...

On the way,
To the cross,
In solace...

For us... He wept...

Praying for all,
On the cross,
In solace...

For us... He wept...

Dying on the cross,
In solace...

For you and me... HE wept

________________________Rashmi(28th Feb, 2013)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am waiting for you

I am waiting for You...

Lord to Me

Oh, this road,
I have seen,
Walked this road,
So very long ago...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

Journey wasn't easy,
With holes,
In my hands and feet,
Indeed painful...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You left your old life,
For me,
I will give you a new one,
Come follow ME...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You ran the race,
You thought you won,
But did you?
I see you start again...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

Loved ones deceived you?
Don't be surprised,
My friend,Peter denied me,
Not once but thrice...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You feel rejected,
They rejected me first,
And then you...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You feel alone,
Remember I was all alone,
On the cross,
Dying... all alone...

 Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You ain't alone,
I am there for you,
Journey begins and ends,
With ME...

Why are you lost,
I have already made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

________________________Rashmi(27th February, 2013)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Being You

On my way to NYC in the train... was a little bored ... So took out my phone and started penning down this poem... :)...

Being You…

Journey begins,
Searching eyes,
Curious soul,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

Strange places,
New faces,
Trying to find,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

Huge home,
Lot of space,
Void hearts,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

Forgotten regrets,
Reliving again,
Oh the pain,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

Old friends,
Few the same,
Most new again,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

Cold outside,
And people,
Cold inside,
A quest, a hunt,
For being you...

But…Search halts…

When i see YOU
Same YOU,
Even in the new place,
The quest, the hunt halts,
For being me...


____________________Rashmi(22nd February, 2013)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Being At Home

My My… looks like this blog has been untouched, unvisited since ages… Time to ask Mr.Spider who has been living here without my permission to exit ;)

Here I Go…

Just one month away but life has taken a 360 degree turn. New people, New location. Just felt out of place when I landed here in US but now I feel at home. Lord is helping me in this journey as well

Today while reading my “daily bread” I happened to read something which touched my heart. Felt like God is talking to me directly.  And now I know what “Being At Home” truly means.

Heres todays Daily Bread for all of you.


Jesus answered, “Whoever loves me will keep my word. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them”

                                                -John 14:33

My wife and I moved to a new house in a new city. All that had become familiar over the last 20 years is gone. The comfort of our family home, my garden in its different seasons, the thoughts triggered by driving down our street, the familiar smell of my favorite cafĂ© – All are gone.

Everything is new, a new house, new streets, new landscapes, new shops, new people. Since we moved here I have realized how familiar places can define us. Where we are in the world gives us a sense of who we are. Familiar places prompt memories, influence our attitudes and grounds us.

However, I find that who I am is much more that the places  I have lived and the roles I have played. Our identity is more about being in God than about being in a place. Yes, letting go of all that had been warmly familiar was hard, but God offered rich assurances before we moved. When friends at our goodbye gathered were praying, they sang a song that included the line, “and I will give you a home”.  I felt God smiling, saying, “Look to me”

God is good, and God has provided a home for us. The more I look to God, the more I can feel at home here. I belong to God before I belong to a place, so I can go anywhere and be at home. 

Prayer : Loving God, beyond familiar sights, sounds and smells, you are our true home. Let us dwell fully in you, now and forever. Amen.

Thought for the day: Living with God, we are always at home.

_________________________________Rashmi(21st Feb 2013)