Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am waiting for you

I am waiting for You...

Lord to Me

Oh, this road,
I have seen,
Walked this road,
So very long ago...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

Journey wasn't easy,
With holes,
In my hands and feet,
Indeed painful...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You left your old life,
For me,
I will give you a new one,
Come follow ME...

Why are you lost,
I have made the way,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You ran the race,
You thought you won,
But did you?
I see you start again...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

Loved ones deceived you?
Don't be surprised,
My friend,Peter denied me,
Not once but thrice...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You feel rejected,
They rejected me first,
And then you...

Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You feel alone,
Remember I was all alone,
On the cross,
Dying... all alone...

 Why are you lost,
I have made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

You ain't alone,
I am there for you,
Journey begins and ends,
With ME...

Why are you lost,
I have already made the path,
What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

What are you waiting for,
I am waiting for you...

________________________Rashmi(27th February, 2013)

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