Thursday, July 25, 2013

What we all need...

What we all need…

Not much right… we all need love… we all need assurance…we all need “fulfilling” promises… we all need a hand to hold… a hand that will never leave us… will always be there for us... maybe we can do with less love… but not with less faith… yes, faith… faith that what one says he/she will fulfill… blind faith… foolishness all will call… as the term “blind faith” comes with a very big risk… risk of being hurt… risk of holding a broken heart...

We fall… hearts do break… tears do fall… but we are back to square one… searching for love… searching for holding that one hand… and recreating the blind faith… and living that risk again… why?... because God made us like that… humans are made to love… are made to live in faith… we may lose our track… and live a life of… “I do not need anyone… I am happy with myself”… But somewhere… deep down… secretly… at times even unknowingly… our heart keeps searching for that one person with whom we can be ourselves… we can just be the person who has nothing to hide… good or bad…

Yes… and that one person can be anyone… your friend… your partner… your parent… or at times even a stranger you have just met…

Hmm … Thought today… who is that one person I can rely on… one person who was always there… one person who is still there… one person who will always be there in future as well… yes that one person with whom I have nothing to hide… that one person who knows my silence… when I fall short of words… that one person who pushes me in situations I hate… but when I look back I know there was a reason and that situation didn’t last for long… it was for a season… that one person who taught me to smile when I want to cry… that one person who hugged me when I wanted to run away… that one person who cries when I cry… who smiles when I smile… my hurts is His hurt… my pain is His pain… who keeps knocking the door when I want to flee… that one person who reminds me to do the right when the world calls it foolishness… that one person whom I keep forgetting… But He waits… endlessly He waits… for me to come back home…

Yes… I believe you  know who I am talking about…

___________________________Rashmi(25th July, 2013)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yes its only you...

Inspired by the song - "Tum hi Ho"... From the movie Ashiqui 2... Amazing lyrics...

Now I just can’t live without you,
Do I even exist without you?

If I fall apart from you,
I will fall apart from myself…

As you are the one,
Yes you are,
My life from now on… is you…
My peace, my pain,
You alone are my love…

You and I are so different,
Yet even one moment,
I fail to stay away from you,
Every day I live only for you,
All my time is just for you,
No moment of mine can be without you,
On every breath of mine… It’s your name…

As its you,
Yes you,
My life from now on… is you…
My peace, my pain,
My love, it’s only you…

I live, only for you,
I give all of me, only to you,
Your loyalty gave me refuge,
Let go all my sadness,
My destiny now is with you,
With you I am now complete…

Because you are the one,
Yes you are the one,
My peace and my pain,
You alone are my love…

________________________Rashmi (24th July, 2013)