Friday, February 27, 2015

True Love, True Trust, True Acceptance!

True Love, True Trust, True Acceptance

When we were young, basics emotions were so well defined in our lives… and we felt it all around us… Love, trust, acceptance… Every little emotion was so very simple… But as life progressed, these basic emotions become so complicated… not sure about you… but it did for me…

More I live this life… more life shows me situations… I feel I have started to understand what all these little emotions are all about… they are huge… and they can’t be experienced in its truest form until we experience emotion that is exactly opposite to these…. Until we stand on the crossroad and we have to choose to love, trust and accept people in our lives no matter what…

How can one learn true love, until he/she is devoid of it… how can one learn true trust until someone breaks their trust miserably…. How can one learn true acceptance until one has been denied acceptance…

It’s easy to love someone who loves you back… trust someone who trusts you back and accept people in our lives who accept us back… but do we always find such people in our lives?.... I don’t think so…

The more I live this life on earth… the more the acquaintance with anti-love, anti-trust, anti-acceptance the more I am experience what true love, trust and acceptance is all about… 

Bible says

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

That’s true love… Isn’t it?

Love is so deep that it takes life time to understand its beauty… it’s not some emotion to be given in return of love… it’s to love someone no matter what…

We all crave for acceptance from everyone around us… be it at home… at our workplace … amongst our friends or elsewhere…. But what we fail to understand is… all we need to crave is for acceptance from God… As its only He who can give us true love in return of our love… and He will never deny us any sort of acceptance… No matter what… He is always going to be there holding us tight even when the whole world denies us…

But the real question is are we ready to deny the world for Him… are we ready to leave our old lives and accept Him in our “Whole” life… not just parts of our lives…not just in the specific time of our life… not just on those special days… not on those moments we are falling… but every moment of our life… are we ready to love, trust and accept Him…
Once we let Him in… completely … then can we experience True Love, True Trust, True acceptance that no one in this world can give us… 

Trust me… None….

___________________________Rashmi (27th February, 2015)

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