Saturday, March 12, 2011

How You Doing :)

Wohhaaa…. Looks like its been more than a month since anything living has breathed in this blog… If anyone would have tried calling me in the past few months you would definitely get a recorded message which would say, “This line is temporarily disconnected from the world” … lol… trust me… no exaggerations as always here…

Not sure how ‘Tomorrow’ turned to ‘Yesterday’… Yeah had become a work zombie… If I would be in India I would still be one… Oopss.. did I miss to mention I am in Canada… Wat… enjoyin… hmm.. well.. at least enjoying the peaceful life… suddenly feels like the day has more hours… suddenly no more running… suddenly no more phone calls… suddenly no more rush to reach somewhere every minute… suddenly time for myself over the weekend… suddenly I talk to mom everyday now… more than what I used to even while I was in India… Yup I miss all… But back in India maybe I missed myself… Here I get more than just a moment to halt and think what I really want from life… At least 2 years back I knew my destination… Now my destination is right in front of me but I don’t want it anymore I feel… And if u ask me ‘ So, what do you want from life?’… Even though I have always been a great planner, my answer would be… ‘I don’t know?’… Yeah truly I don’t know what my destination is… so not sure which path or what plan should I make… so now living one day at a time… : )

Just read the blogs of my near and dear ones… just to check the updates in their life…. Just a quick comments…

Prachi… likh yaar… blog khaali khaali hai…

Maddu… thanks for mentioning me in the blog…. Way to go girl… Hope Patni does not think I am the one behind your resignation…

Racho… “Live Like a Drunkard”… awesome blog yaar…

So here I am going to give some gyaan after reading my friends blog… awesome lines…”Live like a Drunkard”… well don’t go by the literal terms… well ya ya… let me confess.. I did drink vodka in the flight… just to get good sleep ;)… so let’s not go there…

The Blog said… our destination should be very clear… Path clear ho naa ho… Drunkard knows his destination is the bar… he might not know the path… so while he is drunk he takes all possible paths… but finally reaches his destination and sits… relaxes and enjoys his “Drink”… : ) …

But for this … step 1 is … we should know our “Destination”…. Hehe… and as mentioned in the start of the blog… I am yet to complete Step 1… ;) …

PS: Btw missed asking you…. “How You Doing ?“



  1. heheh..good one. Especially ur confession of the vodka thing :D

  2. @ Aks...

    Lol... Thanks my dear... u no i say Sach :P
