Monday, January 23, 2012

Love Story - Taylor Swift

On Special Request - From Loveleena :)

Love Story 

I bet you all have heard this song of Taylor Swift… For all those who do not belong to this generation… here’s the link ;)

Well my one time favorite song must tell you… at that time I could relate to it oh so deeply… Recently my “Good” friend Loveleena appealed to write something about this song… and was curious how come I haven’t yet touch based on this topic in my blog… ;)

I thought… murmured… and then thought again ;)…lol… should I or should I not… As this song takes me to a different world… a dream world I must say… and the hope to convert the scars to stars rises totally high… after lot of thought here I go :)

Other day Joan just mentioned… When there was nothing on earth… God made Adam and Eve… All they needed to do was love each other… get food for their survival… that’s all… nothing more nothing less… But today we keep running after things … all materialistic things… money… flat… car… and then when we have set it all… we search for the one… to fit in that world… when actually it should be the reverse right ;)

I thought to myself… so true…

In all the hues and cry of downs in relationship… personally and with the loved ones around me… faith in true love in all these years went on diminishing and diminishing and diminishing… But few friends and songs like this gets out the real me … the one oh so emotional … one who still believes that true love does exist… love which is oh so “Unconditional”… :) Wow… told ya… takes me all together to a different world… where nothing else matters… Guys age…. Guys looks… Guys profession… no nothing… all that matters is with the guy the “String is always attached” … Right!

Taylor Swift in this song portrays her urge to be with this guy she loves oh so deeply… and guess what… this song does have a “Happy” walla ending ;)

Wish every love story had such happy endings… if not … How I wish it was so easy to forget it all and love once again with the same passion and trust…  And somewhere deep down we all know its possible… just that we are scared to let it go again like we did the very first time ;) … back then we didn’t know how much it hurts when love fails… now that we know… its difficult…

But as Gods princesses we know that He has set it all for us… the perfect ambiance… the perfect setting… the perfect time… and finally the perfect one… Its just a matter of time… and all this wll come to pass ;)

That's When I Look At U____________________________

Yea when my world is apart,
When love flows a lot,
When there is no light,
To break up the dark at sight...

Thats when i look at you...

Yea when the waves are flooding the shore,
And I cant find my way home anymore,
When there is hope unseen,
To help me and wean...

Thats when i look at you...

Yea when little matters bother me,
And i feel i wanna flee,
When things done seem right,
And i want you to hold me tight...

Thats when i look at you...

Yea when I fight myself each day,
To convince you aint the one in anyway,
When all say you love me in ton,
Though i flip the topic in fun...

But, thats when I look at you....

Yea when I stare at a pinned up star,
And suddenly it goes all blur,
When i try to search ur face again,
But all attempts go vain...

Thats when I look at you...

Yea when you appear just like my dream,
Dream that makes us from me to we,
When I am myself in front of you,
And you love the real me with you...

Thats when I look at you....
Yea ... Thats when I look at you...
_____________________________Rashmi(23rd January, 2011)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Facebook - Connecting or Disconnecting?

Facebook - Connecting or Disconnecting…

Knowing the fact that I have taken the immense blessed decision of being a “Software Engineer”, its my moral duty to spread the pros of technology… But somewhere I feel sad to say that technology has not brought people close, but has driven them far away…

The major Criminal of all times being – “Facebook”

I am no exception, recently have become like an addict to this site… But this site has just drawn me to the fact that how much we friends in the same city are getting disconnected… All emotions we see these days on Facebook.... “I miss you”… “I love you”… even the smallest detail that one is having lunch in Taj or is currently waiting for his flight in the business class lounge of Singapore Airlines (mind you … don’t miss the fancy word “BUSINESS” class) or is at a particular airport boarding a flight… all the details are up there for all to see… I wonder… while having lunch with friends… how can one bother to notify this info on Facebook… makes me feel maybe he/she is so bored having lunch that he/she got all the time to write that on his/her wall ;)

But one message that truly left me strangled was this one… My apologies but this one just blew me off ;)

A "Good bye"; Thank you Kiss" to my lovely Toyota Camry... Feeling sad n emotional... Had a great time with her... Lots of memories... Thank you Camry!... You'll always remain very close to my heart... M gonna miss u...

Imagine how emotional one can get while parting from his "Rented" Camry Car ;)… Gosh… Wish the car also had a Facebook profile to reply – “I will miss you too buddy”…. Hahaha

Usually we used to meet people face to face first and then maybe later pictures on Orkut…. Oops Facebook… But now we see the pics on facebook first and then later meet them face to face…. And say…. “Ya I saw you on facebook already” … Lol…

It totally surprises me that emotions like “I love you” which used to be oh so personal to be said face to face or over the phone is right there for the world to see… I mean c’mon… leave something’s to be said at least personally…

Best part is new year resolutions seen on everyone’s walls…New Year is the time when the world goes high on making resolutions.

I read somewhere that “A new year’s resolution lasts as long as the first week of January. Truer words were never spoken”

While Facebook is replete with updates from people who resolve to lose weight, be tolerant to fellow-desis from the Bay Area, spend less time Facebooking (ironically announcing it on Facebook), strive to find a higher truth (whatever that means), cut down on spending in shopping, or waste less time listening to Kolaveri di, I wonder how many of these resolutions actually attain fruition. This gives an interesting glimpse into human behavior, where some invisible force throughout the world not only makes us guilty for our actions (or the lack of it), but also makes us announce publicly a list of all the things we will probably never do.

I had abided with Robin Sharma’s words very aptly when he said “Always have a camera with you… you never know when you would wanna click moments with your loved ones…” …. But I guess I applied one more rule to upload those memories onto Facebook… no… I know its not a bad deed or something… But it just reminded me of my good friend – Guru (Name has been kept confidential for security reasons) telling me just last week

Guru: Rashmi, you are so mean… you don’t care about someone else’s job…

Me: What are you talking about…

Guru: DBAs in Facebook department are fired…

Me: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :P

Guru: Each time your friend gets married or engaged… you upload so many pics that the Facebook server crashes :P…

Funny… but just made me think… yes mann… I have become faster than the “Aaaj Tak” news reporter when it comes to uploading pics ;) …. Phew….

Jokes apart…. But truly speaking…. On a serious note I do feel that Facebook is just taking us away from real life… Real friends… everything seems so virtual…

So whats your take on it…. Facebook – Connecting or Disconnecting?

___________________________Rashmi (8th January, 2012)

Goodbye 2011

Goodbye 2011_____________________________________

Just one word I got to describe my 2011… “Beautiful”… a year filled with adventures… good and bad… Did overcome my biggest phobia…. “Travelling”…. This year was filled with travelling abroad… and meeting new people… especially working with people from different nationalities… different culture… But what binds all of us together is we all are Gods children… and have a humble heart to welcome each other in each other’s lives… nothing more … nothing less…

This year met so many people who touched my life in zillion ways… just made me feel … all have got problems… same as us… but how each one deals with it just varies…. Some with a smile… millions with a frown…

Masks also came down… reunited me with my own “new” loved ones… so many changed… So feel that at times “Change” is not for the best… Decision making went for a toss few times… but no regrets what so ever… A year of self-discovery must say… but the fact is this self discovery process is still “In Progress”… A year that made me see a new me… the changed new me… and the toughest part was the oscillation between am I the old me or the new me and the most toughest part was to accept the new me with all grace… She’s not that bad after all ;)

A deep feeling that my heart is finally recovering from the accident that took place ages ago… last years ICU recovery phase was not all that bad… again tuff to accept the fact that indeed have moved on… Whooaaa!!! Mind you… recovered by only 60%... Damn idar bhi border line main pass ;)

Only one learning this year is … that however tough it is… whatever situation it is… Keep smiling… Keep moving Ahead… All things do pass… every situation does pass… but wear that smile.. you never know your one smile can just make someone’s day… :)

So the mantra for 2012 is just to “Keep Smiling” …. And just be a good human being… This world is thirsty to see a good human in each one… on a serious note :)

Happy New Year my dear Amigos!!!!

_____________________________Rashmi (8th January, 2012)