Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goodbye 2011

Goodbye 2011_____________________________________

Just one word I got to describe my 2011… “Beautiful”… a year filled with adventures… good and bad… Did overcome my biggest phobia…. “Travelling”…. This year was filled with travelling abroad… and meeting new people… especially working with people from different nationalities… different culture… But what binds all of us together is we all are Gods children… and have a humble heart to welcome each other in each other’s lives… nothing more … nothing less…

This year met so many people who touched my life in zillion ways… just made me feel … all have got problems… same as us… but how each one deals with it just varies…. Some with a smile… millions with a frown…

Masks also came down… reunited me with my own “new” loved ones… so many changed… So feel that at times “Change” is not for the best… Decision making went for a toss few times… but no regrets what so ever… A year of self-discovery must say… but the fact is this self discovery process is still “In Progress”… A year that made me see a new me… the changed new me… and the toughest part was the oscillation between am I the old me or the new me and the most toughest part was to accept the new me with all grace… She’s not that bad after all ;)

A deep feeling that my heart is finally recovering from the accident that took place ages ago… last years ICU recovery phase was not all that bad… again tuff to accept the fact that indeed have moved on… Whooaaa!!! Mind you… recovered by only 60%... Damn idar bhi border line main pass ;)

Only one learning this year is … that however tough it is… whatever situation it is… Keep smiling… Keep moving Ahead… All things do pass… every situation does pass… but wear that smile.. you never know your one smile can just make someone’s day… :)

So the mantra for 2012 is just to “Keep Smiling” …. And just be a good human being… This world is thirsty to see a good human in each one… on a serious note :)

Happy New Year my dear Amigos!!!!

_____________________________Rashmi (8th January, 2012)

1 comment:

  1. I toh alwayz tell u tht ... Show off ur pearls... Keep Smiling :)
