Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman__________________________________________

After a really long time saw this movie again… The last time I saw was when I was back in college… Back then not sure why I liked the movie… But this time it was like watching the movie all over again with a different perspective…

Of course Richard Gere being one of the reasons… Yeah Yeah he is old and all that but there is something in his eyes which tells he is so genuine… and that reflects in his acting as well… This movie has a very different kind of love story… and the most important one being that both of them being so very different… we have heard of stories where in the 2 lovers are different from each other… be it in their personalities or in their nature… but here they belonged to two different worlds all together… She being a hooker and he a workaholic businessman… no time for life… so time for love outta question you see…

But as they say… if it has to happen it has to… One week love story of theirs… But the beauty of it is not the amount of time they spent… but the quality of time they did… especially the “Respect” with which he treats her though the entire world taints her to be a hooker… These days we find all kinds of emotions in relationships… but “Respect” rarely seen…

There were “moments” in this movie that touched me…

(1)   First one when he invites her to his place just like that… no agenda… all he knew was that night he didn’t want to spend alone… just shows in the world out there when work is all we have to fill our day… in those lonely night we need someone with whom we can just sit and talk… this moment in the movie just showed how much he was in need of that someone in his life that he had to ask a hooker to just be with him…

(2)  Second moment being when due to some silly misunderstanding she is all ready to leave the room, and he tells her “Stay”… She asks “why should I stay”… All he said was … “I saw you talking to an acquaintance of his… and he did not like it”… (Does not sound like a sensible reply I know) …


She repeats… “I was just talking to him”… Again he just repeats “I did not like it”… in a very humble voice… just showed he has started to like her but he wasn’t prepared for questions about their relation… As he himself didn’t know where theirs was headed…

(3)   Third moment was when she tells him about her dream… Though a hooker her dream was a prince charming will come and rescue her one day… Strange but true… indeed all have dreams… in her case the dream sounds so very impossible… but yet she dreamt of it… and believed that it will come to pass…someday…

(4)  Fourth moment was when finally after a week she is ready to go… he gives her an offer to move to NYC… telling he will get her an apartment, a car and all the money she would need to shop… To this … all she replies .. If he would have given this offer a week earlier she would have accepted… but now … “She needs something more”… By “More”… she didn’t mean money… but she meant that… with the equation she had with him in last one week… she is looking for a relationship… and he wasn’t sure what he wanted… all he knew was he didn’t want to let her go… yet he lets her go…

(5)  Fifth and the last moment was the climax of the movie… wherein he proposes to her… All he says “So what happens when prince climbs the tower and rescues her…” To this she replies… “She rescues him right back” … beautiful end to an impossible love story…

I know sounds like a dream… but dreams do come true… mine did… my prince charming has indeed rescued me… And all I know right now is that he is already smiling after reading this :)


1 comment:

  1. Babes .. one of my fav movies too .. reason one yes Richard Gere :) .. n who says hes old .. damn hes the sexiest of all :) wink wink .. n yeah coz this movie potrays an innocent and very touching love story .. :) i still hav it on my laptop i love it .. jst love it ..
