Thursday, June 21, 2012



After ages I sit down to write something… Well what triggered me… of course firstly my excellent health condition… Yes doctors have officially declared me insane today :P… so I can be excused for any crap I type today….. and secondly after ages I am ok to pour my heart out … no hiding… none…

I read a write up of my friend Naomi… Someone I haven’t met so far but somehow feel a connect  to her already…  This is worth sharing indeed… Here’s the link…

Thought to myself today…Somewhere I had stopped expecting from my loved ones… Tuff but this was my way to protect my oh so fragile heart from getting hurt… this just meant that being there for all but not expecting the same in return… Naomi’s write up just made me realize that this is not being “ourselves”… We need to expect best out of our loved ones even it implies being disappointed a zillion times… being hurt is just a trait that declares – Yes , we are still humans (Of course I need a certificate now to officially declare that after the doctor report I just mentioned earlier… lol)

On a serious note, yes something inside me used to hold me back…

Hold me back from expecting… Hold me back from trusting immensely (Like a child) like I used to earlier… Hold me back from loving the way I did earlier… (without any fear of being hurt)… Hold me back from expressing myself… (With the fear that it won’t be valued)… Hold me back from being the “Me” I knew earlier…

Each time I used to get up to just shake off all these thoughts… something held me back… felt as if  there is some sort of a chain I am tied up with which just pulled me back to where I was… every effort to move on… every effort to be myself was in vain…

And then… He happened :)

He saw the me which had all these amazing traits (lol)… and yet he came along… held my hand and promised me to deliver from all this pain…

But yet , since that day , he has been a friend , a guide and an inspiration for me . Without trying to teach me , he has given me something I could never give myself , something no amount of movies could give me , something no amount of hours immersed at work could give me .

He has given me a reason…

Reason to dream again,
Reason to trust again,
Reason to let go the pain,
Reason to accept myself,
Reason to ignore the rest,
Reason to live life,
Reason to move on,
Reason to stand again,
Reason to dance in the rain, (Trust me hated that )
Reason to smile again, (This time without any mask)

And above all

Reason to love again…

Probably everyone else thinks this relationship is following the normal , bollywood inspired storyline , and will end up fizzing out in a few months or years , replaced by the real questions such as who brings the kids from the school or why haven’t I still paid the telephone bill , but I know he will always be the same special one for me…

I don't know if 'You' are reading this , but if you are , I just want you to know that I have made a lot of mistakes , and my grammar is all wrong , and I crack jokes nobody gets , but I love you lots... . And I will never stop doing that …


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much <3 :* This is so precious. Tears welled up in my eyes when I read this. It's beautiful to see Him work. :)
