Friday, May 31, 2013

Bucket List

Bucket List_______________________

Two questions I heard today in the movie – Bucket List…- Struck me…

“Have you found the joy in your life?”…
“Have you brought joy in other people’s life?”…


Joy in so many ways today is unnoticed, ignored and misunderstood… And by the time we realize all of that, we run out of time… time to correct, erase, undo all the things we have done and said…

Like one of the item in the bucket list was – “Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world”… when I saw that I was like … really… but when the guy cancelled this item after he kissed his granddaughter whom he had never met… I smiled… indeed few joys in life indeed are misunderstood….

Some movies are meant to be watched – "Alone"… Bucket List is definitely one of them… 

So Whats lined up in your bucket list?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

Location – Maldives

One evening… He and she were walking on the beach… It was a pleasant evening… Smooth breeze was filling up the silence… As always she felt sleepy soon… But he insisted that they should go for a long walk… but she denied…

He was confused… and she was confused why he was insisting so bad… Suddenly he said he couldn't find his headphones… Her sleep vanished and both started finding headphones in that vacant beach… Time slipped by and she was tired… She said let’s find it in the morning… But he sounded oh so possessive so she didn't insist and resumed her search….
All of a sudden he held her hand and ….

He (On his knees) – Will you marry me?
She (Surprised) – But we are already married?
He (Smiling) – Indeed, But will you marry me again?

She – Smiled… and He – Finally proposed to her with a ring…

Some stories begin slow… real slow…

She- Lets find your headphones now
He – I never lost it... ;)

Monday, May 20, 2013



That’s what we are looking for right? Right from the day we are born and maybe until the day we die… We are going to look for approval from all… Starts with approval from our teachers in school… approval from parents by choosing a career… approval from friends by trying to match up to what they do (and feel if we miss doing that we are out of the race)… approval from our boss (client) or else we won’t get promoted or be recognized… and above all approval from ourselves - self approval…

All our life unknowingly (knowingly) we have done everything to get approval…  To be comfortable in this well-defined place we live in… Funny isn't it?… after all these years we still haven’t realized that we just need approval from one person… And we are so B.U.S.Y (Busy Under Satan’s Yoke), that we really have no time to gain the most important persons approval… The ‘only’ person’s approval that mattered and should always matter… maybe life has brought in a drift… but this changing generation, and changing time can’t change that one person and can’t change the fact that we can’t ignore the need for His approval…

Yes – God’s Approval!

How many times have you thought of taking his approval while taking big (small) decisions… how many times have you waited for His reply… But indeed a zillion times you  ‘told’ Him your decision and asked Him to bless your choice (already made) – And left Him with no room but to accept what you wish for…

When it comes to God we are always Busy… And what does Busy mean… you have no time for Him or He is not your priority… But a point comes in each ones life… (lucky me that it came sooner)… that no one’s approval matters… What you study… what job you are doing… how many dollars you are saving up in your account…  nothing defines you… and if someone tries to introduce you by any of these its time you take a step back and think is that all I have left in me…

Your introduction cannot be by your Name, your qualification, company you work for, flat you own, amount saved in your bank…. All this will pass one day… these things will help you get approval here on earth… but for God… you think all this even matters…

Tomorrow if God comes to visit you… face to face… one on one… Just you and Him…. What would you tell Him… I am ‘abc’… Engineer… Working for ‘xyz’ company…. Drawing 10 lac a year… you think God is even close to being interested to know any of these details…  Then why are you running around to gain everyones approval…

Halt… Stop… Think….

God is waiting… And you know it or not… You need His approval… and I’ts very easy to gain His approval against what this world asks you to prove and in return leaves you drained by the end of the day… with God you will always be high in spirit.. That’s the returns you get for passing His approval test… simple isn’t it… But we are so used to complicated lives that anything we get simply we don’t appreciate… we like to climb mountains and then get a reward…  But some gifts are free… and they are stress free…

Whose approval are you still waiting for?

____________________Rashmi(20th May, 2013)