Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

Location – Maldives

One evening… He and she were walking on the beach… It was a pleasant evening… Smooth breeze was filling up the silence… As always she felt sleepy soon… But he insisted that they should go for a long walk… but she denied…

He was confused… and she was confused why he was insisting so bad… Suddenly he said he couldn't find his headphones… Her sleep vanished and both started finding headphones in that vacant beach… Time slipped by and she was tired… She said let’s find it in the morning… But he sounded oh so possessive so she didn't insist and resumed her search….
All of a sudden he held her hand and ….

He (On his knees) – Will you marry me?
She (Surprised) – But we are already married?
He (Smiling) – Indeed, But will you marry me again?

She – Smiled… and He – Finally proposed to her with a ring…

Some stories begin slow… real slow…

She- Lets find your headphones now
He – I never lost it... ;)

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