Friday, May 31, 2013

Bucket List

Bucket List_______________________

Two questions I heard today in the movie – Bucket List…- Struck me…

“Have you found the joy in your life?”…
“Have you brought joy in other people’s life?”…


Joy in so many ways today is unnoticed, ignored and misunderstood… And by the time we realize all of that, we run out of time… time to correct, erase, undo all the things we have done and said…

Like one of the item in the bucket list was – “Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world”… when I saw that I was like … really… but when the guy cancelled this item after he kissed his granddaughter whom he had never met… I smiled… indeed few joys in life indeed are misunderstood….

Some movies are meant to be watched – "Alone"… Bucket List is definitely one of them… 

So Whats lined up in your bucket list?

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