Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Describe Yourself

Describe yourself_________________________

No, No… This wasn't my interview question… But one of my writer friend asked me to write a 2-3 line bio to describe myself as she needed that add one to one of my articles to be published on her website…

For the first time I thought … hmm… describe myself… That too in 2-3 lines… Trust me 2-3 lines felt like writing 2000-3000 lines… At times it is easy to pen down about what we feel, what we see but so tuff to describe ourselves… especially when we keep changing in every phase… When we were kids, when we became teens, when we joined work, oh the post first heart ache phase...and the most important change comes when we are married…. Every phase transforms us...

This question was easy maybe even 7 months back, but being married has changed me… Trust me - a lot… yes... and for good… I am much more patient now… priorities have reversed… world has turned upside down… so what I am today or what I am looking for from life today is so different… and my needs have reduced...

After lot of pauses…hmm’s… I finally managed to pen down these lines… About myself…

Rashmi is the former Project Coordinator in Teradata (IT company). Her best friend is - Jesus. Through thick and thin times, He has been there with her and she believes she is work in progress under His guidance. Writing is her passion. Even while she is staring out of the window, there is some thought that goes on in her mind which she looks forward to pen down. Recently married, she believes her marriage is "Gods" doing and she is looking forward to honor her marriage in every possible way. Her dream - To write a book to inspire and spread the word of God and to serve God full time…

So… it’s a nice exercise…. Try describing yourself… I bet you guys will start with “Hmmmm…”

__________________________Rashmi (4th June, 2013)

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