Monday, July 7, 2014

Missing Gravity

Missing Gravity...

When we hear this word gravity… we start thinking of that one apple that opened the eye of Newton and led him to create the great law of gravity…

 Imagine this world without gravity… we all would be sailing in directions we wouldn’t have control over… and reaching destinations we wouldn’t want to go…

Aimless living, isn't it?

I don’t know how to feel about this… to pen this down… but this is the exact feeling every time I have drifted away from Jesus… Suddenly life seems to go off track… Initially exciting, yes indeed… as I can do things so to say “my way” rather than “His way”… but in a very short time (most of the times) I get this feeling of “Missing gravity”…
Yes suddenly all strength inside is lost… strength to

- Ignore the slightest pain
- Love one another unconditionally
- Be happy in every instance knowing Jesus is in control
- Forgive with an open heart

But above all, the bliss of peace goes missing… yes peace that Jesus promised … peace that Jesus has… Peace that is there in midst of storm…

Jesus said – "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives”

Indeed this world has a different kind of "peace" to offer... and that comes with an expiry date... But peace that Jesus gives is eternal :)

yes sounds funny how can there be peace and joy when things aren’t going our way… but that’s the exact miraculous peace we feel when we let Jesus by our side and let Him take control of our lives…

and the moment we try to take the control all we will experience is – “Missing Gravity”….

_____________________________Rashmi(7th July, 2014)

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