Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Guy Sayz...

One of my friend narated me his love story... Sarcasm being his blessed gift... he did try to make it sound as one... I tried to capture the story from his perspective... Hope you guys love it too :)

PS: Read at your own risk ;)

Guy Sayzz...

It’s been 10 months and 14 days I guess,
When I knelt on the ground with loads of stress,
And she said a ‘Yes’, shocking me somewhere,
Made me believe in miracles right there …

PS: The calculation of the number of days is totally correct. Forgetting such a historical day would have left me dead ;)

A journey across half the globe,
Infinite fights like daily soap (I fought she listened) ;)
Parents melodramatic dialogues, with face red,
God, when they had to contact shehnai walla’s instead…

PS: Many things have changed… Don’t over think… let me define the ‘CHANGE’… ;)

Telephone bills ‘Changed’ by noticeable margin,
To the extend that my mom called this a sin,
Amount of driving ‘Changed’ around the city did grow,
Sight of her house was better view than what Taj Mahal wore;)

PS: Sorry Jahangir or Shanjahan… whoever built it…. ;)

Finally the doubt is cleared if I have to change baby diapers someday,
As I am instructed that I ‘HAVE’ to change it anyway,
Now I understand the movie ‘Confessions of a Shopoholic’,
Choice between 2 ear rings which are exactly the same did drive me sick…

PS: I gave up after looking at seven earrings, wondering how anyone could choose between things which are equally tiny, equally shiny and meant to be completely hidden under hair anyway.

But… apart from another ‘change’ that my fly almost fed me to dinosaurs after they knew about her… something inside me ‘Changed’…

First time someone put her faith in me,
First time someone thought I wouldn’t flee,
First time someone gave me the right to hurt her,
With the trust that I would not, if my memory is not blur…

PS: That someone must be very happy reading this (If she is reading this that is)… knowing that I hardly talk serious stuff… however hard this might be the first and last time today…. Yes you heard me right… first and last time … ;)

I imagined my life, watching HBO,
Eating pizzas, with a laptop or so,
Driving alone to work each day,
Living all alone, being ‘OK’ this way…

PS: Yes I was a useless failure, who could earn money and mimic Shahrukh , but was worse than a China made plastic bicycle when it came to reliability and trust.

My mirror showed me an image,
Indeed the face was a lil strange,
A guy who thought ‘walking away’ is a cool thing to do,
But somewhere ashamed at heart, nobody knew…

PS: Maybe I am exaggerating a little I know ;)

Then … She came along…
Independent, graceful, elegant lady entered my life,
With oh the sensitivity to heal and be my wife,
She had a heart that could absorb all the pain,
Yet tears of a stranger could drive her insane….

PS: In short, my complete , geometrical opposite.

Since then she has been my guide my friend,
With her around, I could be myself, nothing to pretend,
She gave me more than ‘N’ number of movies could offer,
If I could think of let her go then I would have been a duffer…

PS: But above all she gave me a ‘REASON’…

She gave me a ‘Reason’ to believe I too can last,
She did trust me in spite my past,
She gave me a ‘Reason’ to wake up at 4:00 AM,
Just to see if she has reached home as she usually does claim…

PS: Earlier I would not get up early even for a free sandwich…

She has given me a ‘Reason’ to feel special,
By trying to cheer me up when I go dull,
She has given me a ‘Reason’ to call her while I drive,
Though dangerous, I love to talk to her each moment, don’t know why…

PS: Please don’t tell her about my driving stunt ;)

I never cared the kind of guy I was,
Bunch of mistakes, never bothered about the loss,
Though she deserves someone better I feel,
She is a girl, now nobody on earth can steal…

PS: Because while a boy finds a girl who keeps him happy , this boy has found a girl he wants to keep happy .

____________________________Rashmi(28th Sept,2010)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Forgotten page in the Little Brown Notebook… (Teachers Day Special)

Dedicated to my dear teacher back in school... This write is dedicated to her ...

Forgotten page in the Little Brown Notebook

Life was so simple she wonders today,
When she was a child in late eighties,
Teacher asked…‘What you want to be?
Simple answer, “I want to be a good human being”…

That’s what she wrote in her little brown notebook…

Simple thoughts did surround her,
I will respect my elders,
I will say the truth,
I will be a good human being… So easy …

Six years old are innocent people,
They believe what thier teachers say,
Her teacher told her to be a good human being,
And she believed her teacher and just wanted to be one…

20 years later, the same child is writing this poem,
She is all grown up now,
She studied well, went on to become an engineer,
Working at a big company she is all settled today…

Over the years she has made many choices,
Good and bad, all has been in her share,
Not sure if it helped her evolve,
But all she knows is she has changed…

In the midst of the trigonometry lessons,
In the hue and cry of mechanics trauma,
It was easy to face the dinosaurs she thought,
Than the prolonged software engineering lectures…

She forgot what she had written in the little brown notebook,
Oh wait! Maybe she didn’t forget,
Maybe she overlooked what she wanted to be,
But she failed to care about it…

But why she stopped caring about it,
Because the world didn’t care who she was,
Nobody ever asked her the question again,
If she was a good human being, as she had promised…

She was better than others,
Faster than others, Sharper than others,
She thought that matters to the world,
And what the child in her believed didn’t matter to her…

But today she sits down to think of that child in her,
The child she had long forgotten,
Thinking if she can ever meet her again,
Talk to her again, be one with her again…

But today she has found her little brown notebook,
And she remembers what her teacher once told her,
Pages in this book is very clear to her today,
And she will be a good human being she knows…

Maybe wont be better than others,
Maybe not faster or sharper than others,
Maybe it won’t matter to this world,
But she will surely be a good human being…

_____________________________Rashmi (05 September 2010)

Dedicated to my teacher on ‘Teachers Day’

Saturday, September 4, 2010

If This Your Last Day

If This Your Last Day

If this your last day on earth,
And no more chance of re-birth,
Think what will cross your mind first,
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you patch up with a friend so dear?
Whom you ignored, now, he is no longer near,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you say sorry, to a parent oh so far?
For being away, like a pinned up star,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you take away the words of hurt?
Showered on your love, was it worth?
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you make up for the false promise?
To be with your love, oh those moments you missed,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you wonder, why ambitions ruled your life?
Withered relation, will you try to mend with your wife,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would your senses at least now be alive?
To see your child’s wait back home for a while,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you stop being busy at work?
As time is less, and useless is the perk,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you think why did you forget to smile?
But now that you are dying, will you smile for a while,
Will this cross your mind first?
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

Would you enjoy moments left, or undo the wrong?
As you see the end, end of life’s song,
Moving back to the earth’s crust,
As you turn to ashes, back to dust…

_________________________Rashmi(05 September 2010)



Just out of college life seemed so easy,
So many loved ones around, never felt so dizzy,
Was so sure where life was heading,
Little did I bother of the ending….

Journey started, roller coaster ride must say,
Work kept strangling me for no good each day,
Distance between me and my family did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Past :) … well he was always there on my mind,
Shocked … thoughts of him I did find,
But, distance between his thoughts and me did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Friends, well tried hard to keep them around,
But it got difficult to be there and always surround,
Distance between me and my friends did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Lord, I didn’t spare you too, did I?
Kept ignoring your words, don’t know why,
Distance between me and you Lord did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Now as I walk this boulevard, thinking why I flee,
Lost in time and in ME, why no place for WE,
"Distance between me and myself(soul) did grow,
In the garden of life, mirth seeds I failed to sow"...

_______________________ Rashmi (06th September, 2007)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stay Open

Stay Open

Planners today have all aged,
Yet you see them caged,
Stay open, look above,
God is pouring down his love...

One dream breaks, then why scream,
Get up, dream another dream,
Stay open, halt for a while,
God is looking down with a smile...

One job turns you down,
Go apply for another, quit the frown,
Stay open, look for a sign,
God is saying, everything will be just fine...

Break-offs, few can resist,
C'mon start living, dont just exist,
Stay open, love someone new,
God has already chosen the one for you...

Being sorry for ourselves, reasons are plenty,
But we dont have the right to do so, as life aint empty,
Stay open, look out for the cure,
Gods plans are bigger than ours for sure ...

Disappoitments you go through,
Are already planned, so dont get blue,
Stay open, look beyond the closed door,
God already has the solution all set to pour...

Let it go, dont hold on,
HE knows you even before you were born,
Stay open, be open to/for all,
God wants you to trust HIM for once and avoid the next fall...

_________________________________Rashmi(2nd September,2010)