Sunday, September 5, 2010

Forgotten page in the Little Brown Notebook… (Teachers Day Special)

Dedicated to my dear teacher back in school... This write is dedicated to her ...

Forgotten page in the Little Brown Notebook

Life was so simple she wonders today,
When she was a child in late eighties,
Teacher asked…‘What you want to be?
Simple answer, “I want to be a good human being”…

That’s what she wrote in her little brown notebook…

Simple thoughts did surround her,
I will respect my elders,
I will say the truth,
I will be a good human being… So easy …

Six years old are innocent people,
They believe what thier teachers say,
Her teacher told her to be a good human being,
And she believed her teacher and just wanted to be one…

20 years later, the same child is writing this poem,
She is all grown up now,
She studied well, went on to become an engineer,
Working at a big company she is all settled today…

Over the years she has made many choices,
Good and bad, all has been in her share,
Not sure if it helped her evolve,
But all she knows is she has changed…

In the midst of the trigonometry lessons,
In the hue and cry of mechanics trauma,
It was easy to face the dinosaurs she thought,
Than the prolonged software engineering lectures…

She forgot what she had written in the little brown notebook,
Oh wait! Maybe she didn’t forget,
Maybe she overlooked what she wanted to be,
But she failed to care about it…

But why she stopped caring about it,
Because the world didn’t care who she was,
Nobody ever asked her the question again,
If she was a good human being, as she had promised…

She was better than others,
Faster than others, Sharper than others,
She thought that matters to the world,
And what the child in her believed didn’t matter to her…

But today she sits down to think of that child in her,
The child she had long forgotten,
Thinking if she can ever meet her again,
Talk to her again, be one with her again…

But today she has found her little brown notebook,
And she remembers what her teacher once told her,
Pages in this book is very clear to her today,
And she will be a good human being she knows…

Maybe wont be better than others,
Maybe not faster or sharper than others,
Maybe it won’t matter to this world,
But she will surely be a good human being…

_____________________________Rashmi (05 September 2010)

Dedicated to my teacher on ‘Teachers Day’


  1. Trust me.. i was jst abt to scrap ..."Expecting something on Teachers day" :) ...n here i gt the link .. kool ... gud write bt somethng missing ... i think so :P

  2. @ Anu ...

    Yeahh mamm .. just penned down some random thoguhts ;)


  3. This one's quite a humbling poem. It makes you think about the simple & sometimes not so simple aspirations one has as a child :) Also, reminded me of some of the teachers that I counted as my favourite at different stages in school. Hope they are all doing well wherever they are..

  4. @ Anonymous ...

    :) Well said... thanks for the comments... glad that u liked the same...


  5. Beautifulllll....

    Actually, i think this one didn't start off that well
    But i was overwhelmed by the emotions, by the time i reached the end of the poem...

    And i am glad, that she has found that little brown notebook of hers again :)
    And the pages are all clear to her now...

    Good one...

  6. @HP...

    Thankss budddyy :)

