Saturday, September 4, 2010



Just out of college life seemed so easy,
So many loved ones around, never felt so dizzy,
Was so sure where life was heading,
Little did I bother of the ending….

Journey started, roller coaster ride must say,
Work kept strangling me for no good each day,
Distance between me and my family did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Past :) … well he was always there on my mind,
Shocked … thoughts of him I did find,
But, distance between his thoughts and me did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Friends, well tried hard to keep them around,
But it got difficult to be there and always surround,
Distance between me and my friends did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Lord, I didn’t spare you too, did I?
Kept ignoring your words, don’t know why,
Distance between me and you Lord did grow,
My priority list went for a toss, little did I know…

Now as I walk this boulevard, thinking why I flee,
Lost in time and in ME, why no place for WE,
"Distance between me and myself(soul) did grow,
In the garden of life, mirth seeds I failed to sow"...

_______________________ Rashmi (06th September, 2007)