Thursday, September 1, 2011



Clicked on Outlook,
With an email I just shook,
Subject Line read – “SAP-UK- Successful Go- Live”,
One Motto for which almost last 1 year I did strive…

Surprisingly I did notice,
The email was devoid of bliss,
It didn’t make me smile,
Neither did it make me happy for a while…

Client appreciation email,
Company’s President’s words in the trail,
Management’s thank you’s I see,
But all fail to make me glee…

Immediately, I closed my eyes,
Strangled with so many why’s,
Was it worth it, some voice asked me,
I really don’t have answer to that, I plea…

Endless working hours each day,
Weekend’s also slogging in every way,
Preview of the journey left me wondering,
Lost peace, which I failed to bring…

How can I forget the graveyard shift?
This project’s blessed gift,
Holiday plans that I missed on,
I do feel I have lost, whereas today for the world I have won…

Project granted a Canada trip,
So, get set go… was all set to be whipped,
Mann… nightmare was the journey,
I am now safe guys, don’t worry…

Philippines trip was a blessing in disguise,
Trust me, 100% true, no lies,
Met some genuine souls there,
Only that occasion makes me happy somewhere…

Hours turned into days,
Days turned into months somehow,
Aiming to reach the go-live date,
Oh, the endless wait…

And today – the most awaited moment is right there,
Then why no feeling of happiness anywhere,
Seriously, why am I sad, when I should be happy,
Wondering as I am typing away this poem on my lappy…

But few things I did gain…
After all, this journey wasn’t a total vain…

But I do have reasons to smile as well,
Project release achieved, today to all I can tell,
Endless friendship gained indeed,
These friends will also agree, as they read…

Some masks also came down you see,
Infinite faith in few people also flee,
Still wonder, how a silly proj can make people change,
In order to save ones job, people do become strange…

Some chord in me did struck a lot,
At least today I know, what my priority is “Not”,
No experience is waste they say,
So true, in every way…
_____________________Rashmi (1st September, 2011)

PS: Few friends I will never forget in this journey of mine...


Thanks for being there... more than a team member, thanks for being my sister and friend... It was indeed a blessing to know you my dear.... I still remember the words you once told me... Thank you Bhennie :)

"Thank you Rashmi. I found the essence of love and friendship in the workplace even in different cultures. McCain is a success not because we made it to production. It was a success because we learned a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot... Fell and rose together... :)"

@ Fabian...

It was a blessing to know you too my friend... More than a team member it was a blessing to know you as my brother in Christ :)

@ Nikki....

You have been a sweetheart my dear... thank you for being there... hope we will still be in touch.... yeah and someday I will surely see you again... if not in Canada... then somewhere else :) for sure...


Got really less time to know you.... but knowing you was also a blessing... :)... Convey my regards to your family :)... Keep praying... and i will also pray for u.. now that you are part of Customer Master module :)


Thank you buddy for being rock solid around... Trust me without you this wouldnt have been possible....Bhennie one day asked me... can you give me one name who can be as efficient as Jayson... and my answer was "None" .... ;).... Also, thank you also for being an amazing host during my stay in Manila.. :)

Thank you all for making this mini roller coaster ride worth travelling..... :)

Love you All...


  1. Aaahh!! the chronichle of your journey to hell and back...;-).... well written as always and i think you got the message across with the lines....

    Some masks also came down you see,
    Infinite faith in few people also flee,
    Still wonder, how a silly proj can make people change,
    In order to save ones job, people do become strange…

    hahahahaaha...nyways good on u

  2. ;) Hahaha.. I know who ur... I can read thru the lines dude ;)... but i will keep your name anonymous here ;)

    Thanks ya... I know i rock ;)... hahaahahh


  3. nice nice..what a way to put it in words..i dont like reading poems ..coz i dont understand it a lot still can understand and relate each line...fadu :)..Sameer..just posting as anonymous..aur kuch samajh me nahi aaraha hai

  4. Thanks also Rashmi for helping me especially during the time when I'm in graveyard shift. We're glad that even for a short while that you're here in the Philippines, it seems that we have already met for a long time. Thanks also for being part of my 27th birthday while you were here, you guys made me happy. Hehehhe...You even if we've experienced lots of negative things in this project, I'm happy to be part of it because I gained not only additional knowledge in DS but most importantly I gained friends....-Romulus(I don't have any of the profiles listed below so I just chose anonymous...even if I revealed who am I...hahahha)

  5. @ Sameer,

    Thanks a lot... :) i know u dont like poems ;)... but this one each of us could relate to ;)... Right!!!


  6. @Nino...

    Hahaahaha.... I know that it was u... i attended ur 27th Birthday right ;)... Indeed friends like u bhennie jayson and many others were the best part of this proj :)

    Hope to work with u guys again.. ;)

