Thursday, September 1, 2011

How Nice it Would Be...

How Nice It Would Be______________________________

After reading(living) a tragic love novel,
A Silent whisper waits for me to tell,
If they could just make it through,
If they would keep faith and not get blue…

How nice it would be…

The dreams we see each night,
Those that disappear in daylight,
If we could just be a kid again and realize,
And tell -“Dreams do come true”,
To all those who are wise…

How nice it would be…

People call and talk for a reason,
We see them change in different season,
If they paid a visit without any motive,
Each moment with us they do live…

How nice it would be…

Simple verses which an insane like me,
Understands in few seconds you see,
If wise men around could understand the same pain,
And not let their life be a vain…

How nice it would be…

Hypocrisy, everywhere is so common,
New mask we see each day, that makes us stun,
If they could realize, all would be “OK” with the real you,
And it’s really easy to be you, even if it means hurting a few…

How nice it would be…

Friends these days are seen in diff time zone,
They look busy to answer their phone,
If they would realize, what they are missing today,
And the cost they are paying for a secured tomm somehow…

How nice it would be…

___________________Rashmi(1st September, 2011)

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