Friday, December 16, 2011

Kuch Tho Log Kahenge

PS: I know this would sound a little too absurd... little kyun.... bahut absurd... and also an out of the world topic for few... if you are oh so matured then please back off haan... this blog is totally intended "Not" to make any sense at all... just wrote something i felt deep down today...

Also mind you i am not a big fan of any hindi serials... infact i hardly watch tv... but this ones taken me to an another world... ;).... hence worth penning down...

Kuch tho Log Kahenge_______________________________

My very near and dear (I hope so she still believes that too) even after bearing with me for 15+ years... agrees that this serial “Kuch Tho Log Kahenge” takes me to a very different world all together… Why…. Because every character of this serial relates to every person in my life…

The unique love story of the couple… Mind ya… the age difference is 18 years.. yet the love story is so beautiful… my friend.. (Well lets keep her name hidden for security reasons ofcourse ;) ) ok …. Lets give her a blog name… pen name… I hope u understand what I am saying… ok lets call her by my favourite name…Alisha… So Alisha told me that the love is same as the one I was looking for…. Ok ok… lets rewind my life.. i mean looking for 8 years back :)… this serial exactly depicts my life… Usually a girl falls in love with someone of her age…. Someone she could relate to… but I always used to tel… no .. I would fall in love with a guy who is atleast 5-8 years elder to me…hence any guy of my age who would propose to me... it was a direct noo.... So my dear friend would show me an old man passing by who is almost all set to reach his death bed…. And say… “Go... marry him”… hahaha…

When I started watching the serial initially I just couldn’t believe how much I could relate to this damn serial… And I was like… "c’mon Rashmi… you cant have that little girl in you still alive… so much has passed… you have fallen enough in life for that dreamy girl to be still alive…you are grown up…" but then I cant really explain… what .. why…. but it just clicked my deepest chord…

Imagination of falling in love when you are in college…is so beautiful right.. no expectations… just a hope… the guy of your dreams will come… and you are so sure about that… not sure about you all…but I was very sure… there was no second thoughts to it…

And then …he came along…

The guy of my dreams… life was like a dream since the day we started talking… still remember I was back in college… Exactly like I expected…. Truly very elder to me… Oh “Not” so handsome… but really cute…. His talks would take me to a different world…. A dream world… for all my friends …. It was so sure that “I am going down that lane”…. Which is definitely “not” love… but it’s a fairy tale she is living… and they let me live it…

Co-incidentally… yesterday my friend reminded me of the third year engineering exam day… you guys will laugh what I did… First of all… during the entire study leave I was talking to this dream guy of mine… late nights especially as he was in US back then… working… and me “NOT” studying… I knew that I have always topped… so its “OK” that I give someone else a chance this time… but my friend did bear with me during those days…. back then I had a cell phone she didn’t… but I had to tell her in the morning of every little thing I spoke to “Him”…. So she would call me on my cell using her landline and I would bore her with every little detail of what he said… and what I replied… blah blah blah… till the time she would remind me… “Rashmi… Kal exam hai…. Thoda padh le “…. Lol…

But the best part was yet to come… the girl typing away this blog was “NOT” a poet of a writer back then… damn I could not rhyme anything more than… “Jack and Jill… went up the hill”…. That girl wrote a poem on the day of the exam… and the poem was for him… and guess what…. I called up my friend just 3 hours before the exam…. She picked up the phone in all tension… and asked me if I am all set for the exam… and I replied all excitedly.. “Dear… I have written a poem for the first time in my life for him…. Would u mind listening to it”…. Lol…. She reminded me yest of that incident.. and we both laughed like there is no tomorrow… and guess what…. Just 3 hrs before the exam she did listen to my poem… (Trust me the poem was pathetic…. It was forcefully rhymed… lol )…. And then she told me… “Ok.. you give it to him later… now lets go to the college and give our exam ;)

PS: But guess what... he loved the poem (Blushes !!!) ... And he wrote a poem back to me... Wow... i truly didnt know he was a poet... and i fell for him even more... ;)

Where the story went after that is indeed a fairy tale… yup it ended… had to… it was after all a dream I was living… but indeed it was followed by my real dream man who came along few years later… and…. This true (not dream) story I would rather leave it here… as it will kill the dreamy girl in me again….

Now you all know the story of how this girl became a poet ;)… lol… this little heart makes you do so many things I tell you….

Btw let me introduce you to Alisha… she’s one friend… and mind you the only friend of mine who can just look at me and say…”Chal ab bata… wat is bothering you”… gosh…. Don’t know how she does that…. One day she looked at me… and I was all disturbed…. She asked me… tell me what happned… and me as always brought out my smiley mask… and told her.. “all is well”… she again asked…”wll you tell me today or should I come later”… phew… then I had to tell her …. “Not sure its so funny but this serial is disturbing me”…. All she replied was…. “ yes because it reminds you of you….”….. the “you” you think you have buried… I kept staring at her… she said… “let it go Rashmi… Let it go… don’t cage yourself…. Its time… you let it all go”…

Phew… after that I don’t know …. I am not sure…. But I gather the guts to see this serial again… and today I love to see the girl in the serial and am “OK” to relate to that girl.. the one time me.. and I am ok to tell openly…. I haven’t changed… its still the me…

BTW a hidden secret.. in college I was a big time prankstar… I would play pranks on everyone… each one… trust me…. Infact each day I would go to college and think whats the new prank I can play today… of course life did play the most horrifying prank later… phew… no no serious topic…. Back to the topic… infact in college if I didn’t do any prank and someone is a victim they would blame me… and tell… “Rashmi ne hi kia hoga”… and I would be like…. “C’mon guys this time its not me”… After 8 years today I felt like playing a prank on a friend… of course I used Alisha for it… But the prank is going on… shhhhhhhh…. It’s a secret….

Btw heres the song in the serial I love … btw I love Monish Bhel ;)

Love ,

PS: Look what this serial got me doing... write a blog at 2 AM... I was all set to sleep .. but was browsing the channel and this serial was playing at midnight... saw that... mann... couldnt stop but on my laptop and write about it.... see see what it got me and you doing... Me - write the blog.... and you - read the blog ;) ... Chalo Chalo... me off to sleep now...

@Alisha... i know tomorrow you would be the first one calling me to tell... "Bravo".... lol...

This goes to all management team of "Kuch tho log kahenge"... i beleive i have done a lot of promotion for you guys... check bhijhwaaa denaa ;)... hope you guys have my account number.... ;).... 

For all episodes... logon to -

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