Sunday, September 23, 2012



Once upon a time ;) … ( I believe when we were kids, all beautiful stories started like that… not sure about you… but at least it made me believe that the story is going to be real good)…

So once upon a time, one good friend of mine told me, that he is living different versions in front of all… He has one version of himself for his family… one version at his workplace… one version for his friends… and all together different version in front of his love…

Back then I didn’t connect to these words much… didn’t realize the intensity of these words… I really didn’t… But today I can…

Somewhere I have come to the realization point that indeed I have different versions of myself… One version I live with in my family… My is worst case scenario I feel… I got one version of myself for my mom… one for my dad and altogether different one for my bro…

When I step out in this world outside… (Ok now that I am jobless) … but few days back when I wasn’t… indeed had different version of myself for my friends… as I said… I am worst case scenario… had different version for each friend…

And one simple version I have of myself… the version of myself I connect the most… the version I have when I am with my Lord… the version everyone rejected… but only HE accepted… the version I just cant dare to show to anyone… I tried to seriously…. It was trampled… it was rejected…

So now I hide this version… keep it carefully aside… and see it once in a while… just to see if this version of me is still alive… all these years… its survived…

But yesterday, she tried to come out… desperately… I pushed her down… told her she is not safe outside here… told her I will deal with outside world…. She can just relax… but she didn’t listen…. She drove me crazy… I kept moving around… trying real hard to suppress her cry… her urge to come out… but she didn’t listen… And finally I gave up… closed my eyes…. And there… tears started flowing… endlessly… to the level… I couldn’t control… it was just flowing…

Surprised me… ages back I had kept her so safe… but today she is out… crying endlessly… and any attempt to control her is going in vain… she is hurt… upset… trampled … insecure… little words… rude words hurt her so much… I told her not to come out… she didn’t care to listen…

Hows she now?

She is quite… suddenly starts crying… I am unable to control her tears… its just flowing…. Just trying my best that she cries in some space alone… so that the versions of her I have created in the family does not get affected….

Numb she has become… quite… silent… I will let her be… not force her to do anything or say anything… seems like she has been through a lot… maybe I suppressed her a lot… but it was for her good… everyone would have killed her long back otherwise….

Trust me… I am happy to see her… But not sure if she will survive for long... this real version of her will not be valued... but today...shes smiling… shes crying… but… above all… shes breathing …

_____________________________Rashmi(23rd September, 2012)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

As I walk away

As I walk away

Totally Null,

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

As I search,
Some space where,
I can breathe…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

I proclaimed,
But today,
Feel so weak…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

Tired Of explaining,
To all…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

Words today,
Just not coming out,
So today…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

Tears that was,
Locked up,
Flowing so freely…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

To be taken away…

Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

That’s all I have,
To offer,


Please forgive me,
As I walk away…

___________________________Rashmi (22nd September, 2012)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lord to Me

Lord to Me_______________________________


Take it easy,
Dont get dizzy,
You have to learn,
So many virtues to earn...


Its been the same,
Same old story,
Each time i get up,
None offer their hand...


Its not easy,
I know,
To be calm,
When somethings going on...


When I wanna talk,
I am ordered to listen...


Why do you bother,
What you have today,
Is not gonna last,
When you come to me...


I always ignore,
Pile it up inside,
All times cried,
But none hear me Lord...


Be Still
I am there with you
Sit down take it slowly...


All tell Lord,
Tell what you feel,
And when I do so,
They turn away Lord


They aint wrong,
Neither are you,
If you really love me,
Then let it all go...

You are young,
Thats your fault,
Life is long,
Its not gonna be easy

These worries will fade,
Wouldnt even matter,
So why get dull...


Only you Lord,
Understand me,
And dont run away,
After listening to me...

I have given up Lord,
On lot of my wishes,
So that your will,
Comes to pass...

And I dont regret it,
Even for a second,
But never leave me,
Or ever forsake me Lord....


Have trust,
Have faith,
I have plans 
To prosper you...

Ignore now,
Its silly ego humans keep,
Your happiness is not in things,
Remember that...

I will never leave you,
Nor forsake you,
I am always there with you,
Right besides you...


All ask me to dream Lord,
And when I do so,
They push me back saying,
How can you dream...

If they were right,
I would agree,
But its them Lord,
So I have to go away...

Few even agree Lord,
Then they potray,
It was a favour,
My will gets drained then Lord...


My child,
Dont bother,
I have already said,
And again I tell you...

This world will wither,
All things in them will wither,
All people will wither,
But me... I will be with you forever...

Dont worry,
Let it go for once,
Let all be happy,
And I will keep you happy... :)

______________________________Rashmi(03 Sept 2012)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Will

Had a heart to heart talk with an old friend... or rather... my friend who knows me the most... Just penned down what she said... 


You got to listen,
I am your mom,
How can you go ahead,
Does my happiness does not matter...


I wish for one thing,
And I plead,
Please give it to me,
I ask for none...


How can you be so selfish,
And not care about my will,
How dare you not agree,
And time and again disobey...


I have heard your every will mamma,
But please dont ask me,
To give up on this one,
Will of mine...


Above my life,
You value yours,
Dont you care about,
Things I have done for you...


Dont say that mamma,
You mean the world to me,
But you are asking me today,
To give up on my world...


I have nothing to tell you,
You are no longer my blood,
Knowing that your will is all that matters,
Me... I mean nothing to you...


Ok mamma, you mean a lot to me,
You know that,
How can I keep my will,
When you are not happy mom...


I know the best for you,
You will never regret it,
I know what will keep you happy,
So please follow my will...


Mom, I am giving you the "Best" of me,
After this none of my wish is important to me,
You have your will and my will as well...

After few years...


You aint the same anymore,
Nothing matters to you,
You dont react to things,
Do you have any wish or none...


Mom I just had one wish,
And I have already surrendered,
Now I got none,
So smile... You got your will done...

___________________________Rashmi (03rd September, 2012)

Good with Goodbyes

Good at Goodbyes______________________________

Come closer,

Can you see why I cant talk,
Can you see how I smile to hide,
Can you see the count of my friends but,
Can you see the count of freiends I rely on,
Can you see my soul is dead inside...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,
Now tell me,

Can you see I have hidden fears,
Can you see these are fears I cant express,
Can you see I just cant express anything,
Can you see I am dead emotionally,
Can you see I am alive only spiritually...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see I try each day that things matter to me,
Can you see I try each day to feel again,
Can you see I try each day to dream again,
Can you see I try each day to wish for somethings again...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see my will does not matter to me,
Can you see hurting anyone is not what I want anymore,
Can you see I have already hurt a lot of people already,
Can you see I cant take any more guilt and burden...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see I am tired of being upset,
Can you see I am tired of crying,
Can you see I am tired of dreaming,
Can you see I am tired of everything...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Cant you see why I wanna live my way,
Cant you see these are little things that make me happy,
Cant you see these are moments that make me smile,
Cant you see these are the only things that's making me alive again...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Dont come closer... 
Dont try to find anything,
Dont try to push me back,
As I fall easily these days...

Know that...
I am "not" that good with Good byes....

______________________Rashmi(03rd September, 2012)