Monday, September 3, 2012

Lord to Me

Lord to Me_______________________________


Take it easy,
Dont get dizzy,
You have to learn,
So many virtues to earn...


Its been the same,
Same old story,
Each time i get up,
None offer their hand...


Its not easy,
I know,
To be calm,
When somethings going on...


When I wanna talk,
I am ordered to listen...


Why do you bother,
What you have today,
Is not gonna last,
When you come to me...


I always ignore,
Pile it up inside,
All times cried,
But none hear me Lord...


Be Still
I am there with you
Sit down take it slowly...


All tell Lord,
Tell what you feel,
And when I do so,
They turn away Lord


They aint wrong,
Neither are you,
If you really love me,
Then let it all go...

You are young,
Thats your fault,
Life is long,
Its not gonna be easy

These worries will fade,
Wouldnt even matter,
So why get dull...


Only you Lord,
Understand me,
And dont run away,
After listening to me...

I have given up Lord,
On lot of my wishes,
So that your will,
Comes to pass...

And I dont regret it,
Even for a second,
But never leave me,
Or ever forsake me Lord....


Have trust,
Have faith,
I have plans 
To prosper you...

Ignore now,
Its silly ego humans keep,
Your happiness is not in things,
Remember that...

I will never leave you,
Nor forsake you,
I am always there with you,
Right besides you...


All ask me to dream Lord,
And when I do so,
They push me back saying,
How can you dream...

If they were right,
I would agree,
But its them Lord,
So I have to go away...

Few even agree Lord,
Then they potray,
It was a favour,
My will gets drained then Lord...


My child,
Dont bother,
I have already said,
And again I tell you...

This world will wither,
All things in them will wither,
All people will wither,
But me... I will be with you forever...

Dont worry,
Let it go for once,
Let all be happy,
And I will keep you happy... :)

______________________________Rashmi(03 Sept 2012)

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