Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Will

Had a heart to heart talk with an old friend... or rather... my friend who knows me the most... Just penned down what she said... 


You got to listen,
I am your mom,
How can you go ahead,
Does my happiness does not matter...


I wish for one thing,
And I plead,
Please give it to me,
I ask for none...


How can you be so selfish,
And not care about my will,
How dare you not agree,
And time and again disobey...


I have heard your every will mamma,
But please dont ask me,
To give up on this one,
Will of mine...


Above my life,
You value yours,
Dont you care about,
Things I have done for you...


Dont say that mamma,
You mean the world to me,
But you are asking me today,
To give up on my world...


I have nothing to tell you,
You are no longer my blood,
Knowing that your will is all that matters,
Me... I mean nothing to you...


Ok mamma, you mean a lot to me,
You know that,
How can I keep my will,
When you are not happy mom...


I know the best for you,
You will never regret it,
I know what will keep you happy,
So please follow my will...


Mom, I am giving you the "Best" of me,
After this none of my wish is important to me,
You have your will and my will as well...

After few years...


You aint the same anymore,
Nothing matters to you,
You dont react to things,
Do you have any wish or none...


Mom I just had one wish,
And I have already surrendered,
Now I got none,
So smile... You got your will done...

___________________________Rashmi (03rd September, 2012)

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