Sunday, September 2, 2012

Good with Goodbyes

Good at Goodbyes______________________________

Come closer,

Can you see why I cant talk,
Can you see how I smile to hide,
Can you see the count of my friends but,
Can you see the count of freiends I rely on,
Can you see my soul is dead inside...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,
Now tell me,

Can you see I have hidden fears,
Can you see these are fears I cant express,
Can you see I just cant express anything,
Can you see I am dead emotionally,
Can you see I am alive only spiritually...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see I try each day that things matter to me,
Can you see I try each day to feel again,
Can you see I try each day to dream again,
Can you see I try each day to wish for somethings again...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see my will does not matter to me,
Can you see hurting anyone is not what I want anymore,
Can you see I have already hurt a lot of people already,
Can you see I cant take any more guilt and burden...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Can you see I am tired of being upset,
Can you see I am tired of crying,
Can you see I am tired of dreaming,
Can you see I am tired of everything...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Come closer,

Cant you see why I wanna live my way,
Cant you see these are little things that make me happy,
Cant you see these are moments that make me smile,
Cant you see these are the only things that's making me alive again...

Now you know why,
I am good with Goodbye...

Dont come closer... 
Dont try to find anything,
Dont try to push me back,
As I fall easily these days...

Know that...
I am "not" that good with Good byes....

______________________Rashmi(03rd September, 2012)

1 comment:

  1. U said its based on something I wrote... But I think this is entirely your own.... It's got soul... It feels real... It makes the person reading it want to tell you it's gonna be Alright... Well written.... And all I can say above all else is that the original doesn't even compare to what you have created...
