Sunday, August 21, 2011

She then He - Singed Out!!!

Signed Out!!!


Singed into Gtalk!
After her day’s walk,
Seeing green light, against His name,
She smiled, as always, same…

She decided this time she will not,
As each day, ping him first, she thought,
She decided to wait,
Though it was too late…

She thought maybe he is scared to say,
Maybe he loves her as she does in every way,
But being a girl how could she make the first move,
Thought she was all set to say, “I do”…

She noticed he was typing on her window,
His typing speed was indeed slow,
Suddenly he stopped again,
Which made her wait, again a total vain…


He didn’t ping,
Her smile faded in a blink,
She felt let down somewat,
Upset, she finally “Signed Out”


Saw her coming online on Gtalk!
He was all set to talk,
But he stopped himself again,
He wasn’t sure if he should go down this lane…

He clicked on her window,
Thought to take it a bit slow,
He typed, “how was your day, my love?”,
But he just couldn’t send it somehow…

He was scared to say the unspoken words,
He was scared to go down the untraveled roads,
He was scared to tell her, “You are mine”,
He was scared; maybe he was still waiting for a sign…

He finally closed his eyes,
To wean himself away from all the “whys”,
He gulped inside all his fears,
Wiped his moist eyes filled with tears…

He again started typing out,
He knew he had already made her wait a lot,
He finally was ready to cross the thin line,
But to his surprise, he saw her going offline…

Upset, that he could not make it again,
Guilty that he let her down in vain,
Caught in countless thought,
He too finally signed out!!!
_______________________Rashmi(21st August, 2011)