Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hogaya kya Thanksgiving?


I know its late to write a blog on Thanksgiving… but for my Lord it’s never too late… ;)…

2 weeks back had gone to church… pastor was talking about giving thanks… He asked how many of us give thanks to the Lord… many started shaking their heads… which meant – “Of course we do”… Then he asked… how many of us give thanks to the Lord when we are sick… when we are upset… when things don’t go our way…. When our plans fail.. when our hearts break.. ? to this all of us were quite…

The theme of the sermon was – “God is in control… God has a plan for each one of us”

He then started with a story in the bible… On an honest note I don’t remember which book in the bible and the verse… but I do remember the story… it goes something like this…

One day a king see’s one of his slave and asks him… looking at ur plight you think God is good… Slave replied – Yes God is always good… Then one day the king goes for hunting in a jungle… slave also accompanies him… some animal attacks the king.. in the fight, the king looses half of his finger… all angry and upset the king again asks the slave – Do you still think that God is good… and the slave replies – Yes your majesty, God is good all the time… To this reply king gets really furious… he orders to keep this slave in prison…

One day again king goes to the jungle for hunting… there few people from some clan take the king into their custody… and he is all set to be sacrificed… when the king was just about the be sacrificed, the clan leader notices that his one of the finger is cut… the leader says – we cant sacrifice this man… as he is not complete… so they release the king… King goes back to his palace and orders to get the slave to him…. When the slave arrives King told him - now I know why God cut my finger… and due to that I was saved… he was good to me… but how was he good to you by sending you to prison… to this the slave replied – God is good.. and he was good to me because if I wasn’t in prison then I would be with you in the jungle hunting and looking at your half finger the clan leader would have sacrificed me instead … :)

So true I thought!!!

When problems come… we keep grumbling… we remove the frustations on everyone around us… when one plan fails we blame God… but God has his own plan and it will come to pass come what may… right… so as the pastor said… we need to give thanks to God not only when things go our way… but also when things don’t… because God has a plan … plan for everyone… plan to prosper us… but we need to keep trusting him come what may… then we will smile even when we are sick… when we are upset… when we have lost someone or something we love the most… as every thing that happens in life is Gods plan… and we should be thanking God that it has come to pass..

In Thanksgiving… all I want to do is thank god for all the good and not so good things that’s happening in my life… but never the less… I will keep trusting my lord my God… as I know he has a purpose and plan for all… and I hope he has one for me too ;) Right Lord ;)…


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rockstar Relived!!!


Speechless this movie got me… Despite the fact that the mass audience didn’t like the movie… this movie rocked for me…

At times some movies are “not” meant for large audience… its not dabang type masala movie that any tom dick and harry will come out yelling… “wow what a movie”… Rockstar is a dark movie… it does have flaws… major one being Heers acting skills… But if we ignore that… the movie is amazing…

This movie shows that each one has a dark side… a side which one hides from the world … a mask that each one wear… but ranbirs charater is just the opposite… he is upset, frustrated… and the world can see it… its right there… simple… nothing more … nothing less…

But in the whole movie, there are few scenes which 99.99% people do not understand… in the era when he is all famous… as a volient rockstar, they show that ranbir regularly just goes and stands outside his old home from where he was thrown out… stands at the darga where he stayed for 2 months after being thrown out of his own house… quietly he stands there staring at the place… just shows that whatever his image is to the world… a loud star… he olny finds peace or feels at home at these places…

Secondly, the lyrics of the songs… music… and the justice done to the singers by ranbir… just a perfect fit… every song is so so meaningful… I feel sad for all those who just couldn’t connect to this movie… I felt maybe they have a long way to go in life… maybe they haven’t experienced enof pain to even relate by 10% to the movie and call it a thrash… pheww!!!

There is a line which is shown in the start and end of the movie… which is simply amazing… it says… not sure of the exact words but it goes something like this...

“Beyond a zone from “right and wrong doing” there is a field…. And you will find me there”

Few things which is a total crap in our society didn’t seem wrong… Ranbir falling in love with a married lady… and vice versa… it just looked perfect… not sure how many agree to it… but it did tell that at times… heart speaks louder than the mind… and for the heart… its hard to convince with what is right and what is wrong… it just falls in love…

Few lines in the lyrics just touched me… esp the doha in “Nadaan Parinday” song… one of my good friend told me what that doha means… would love to share it with you guys…

Kaaga re kaaga re mori itni araj tose
Chun chun khaaiyo maans
Kaaga re kaaga re mori itni araj tose
Chun chun khaaiyo maans

Re jiya re khaaiyon na tu naina more
Khaaiyon na tu naina mohe
Piya ke milan ki aas
Khaaiyon na tu naina more
Khaaiyon na tu naina mohe
Piya ke milan ki aas

In the above lines… ranbir is pleading to God.. that if you wanna take my life away, then you can take my each body part slowly… but leave my two eyes intact… as even while I die this slow death I wanna see my love….

*Added Later* (After my friend corrected the explanation given above :P) 

He is pleading to God...When he is dying and hasnt got a burial,as birds eat his body they should eat it slowly and leave his he still has hopes that he will see his beloved before he dies...

Amazing love isn’t it…

But I understand that why most of them didn’t like it… as its not meant for each ones level or understanding or relating …. Its too deep… its too dark…

_________________________Rashmi(26th November, 2011)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Funnt Isnt It?

Funny Isnt It?

In this journey called life,
We at times get things we dislike,
And we are seized away from things we do like,
Funny isn’t it…

But one thing is so true…
We may or may not move on,
But, life does not look back…

We try to gather back the lost strength,
Time is less, people always there,
We assemble all tears and fears,
Funny isn’t it...

But one thing is so true…
We may or may not move on,
But, life does not look back…

We fall in love with the one,
We spend time with the one,
At times it works out at times it fails,
Funny isn’t it

But one thing is so true…
We may or may not move on,
But, life does not look back…

New people come in our lives,
Some forever stay,
But most of them for a short season,
Funny isn’t it…

But one thing is so true…
We may or may not move on,
But, life does not look back…

We travel across the globe,
Thinking we might get some peace,
But when back, we are standing right there again,
Funny isn’t it

But one thing is so true…
We may or may not move on,
But, life does not look back…
Funny, but life never looked back

At times we halt to check,
Can things still be fine we ponder,
But as expected, life does not wait,
Life just does not look back again…

Funny isn’t it…
_________________________Rashmi(13th November, 2011)



After ages I feel annoyed… and sad part is I just can’t let it go off… pattern goes somewhat like this…. Something happens… you are annoyed… but you let it go… it happens again… again you let it go… and then in happens all over again… in my case something happened repeatedly zillion number of times…

And now I am so annoyed that I can even kill Russel Peter’s today if he tried to make me smile… Which simply means that wrong time to talk to me… truly…

Usually I write it out and let it out when I am angry, upset or happy.. but this is something I cant even write about… don’t really wanna make it an incident that I wanna look back tomorrow and recall… hence don’t wanna leave any documentation of the event….

Only some chilled music or rather a gun can help me calm down… Grrrrrr

Sorry no jokes today in this blog dude… Ciao…

Saturday, November 12, 2011



Long back “IT” was leaving.. and I screamed...

Please be here,
Don’t leave me please,
Don’t be such a tease…

But “IT” refused to stay..

“IT” said –
No way,
I have to go... its time,
To stay will be a crime…

I kept pleading-
I am not ready,
I need you buddy,
Forget the world,
They have always been cold…

But still “IT” didn’t stay…

“IT” said –
If I stay people will tag you,
As ‘Fool’ somehow,
Do you want to live with it?
And bear every brunt of it…

I continued –
I don’t care what they say,
Your presence in me is my way,
I don’t wanna be smart for the world to see,
Please please please stay I plea…

But “IT” left me… and now “IT’s” back

“IT” now says –
You have changed so much,
You no longer have the same touch,
I didn’t leave you to become this,
The old you I so much miss..

But to “IT” I replied….

Please leave now,
There is no place for you somehow,
You left me so that I blend in this world right,
Now I am one of them, have won the fight…

I continued…

I no longer need you anymore,
For you, I have forever closed the door,
I will indeed be called a fool now,
If I take you back in my life somehow…

To this “IT” replied…

I see, then I take a leave then,
I think in your life I am no where to be seen,
Do call me when you need me again,
As only me can make you whole and devoid of pain…

PS: “IT” => Innocence…

_____________________Rashmi(12th November, 2011)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Me Again!

Me Again!

Yes, I know I haven’t given any room for anyone to relax… after sudden dip in my workload I really have found all the time in the world to write aiwe hi bakwaas all over again… Yeah yeah there I can hear you guys saying… “C’mon we thought she is gone for good… how come she is back so soon”… Manners people… learn to whisper… ;)

Its said that you should try new things in life… like climing the Everset… swim through Arabian sea… OR… Watch the movie Mausam… My amazing brains thought of choosing the last option… yes I did that… I watched Mausam…. And it left me traumatized… My doctor said that I will never be able to enter a multiplex again in my life with my old confidence again…. To get out of this trauma I flew to Philippines… 2 weeks of change and I am back again… And to get my spirits up and running I flew to Goa too… How was it… just one word… “Amazing”

Everyone asked me… “What was one thing in Goa that left you speechless”… A very typical answer one would receive is … Beautiful beaches… oh the smart firangs there… or the endless dance in the pub… or the drinks… I experienced all of the above… but none of them could have drawn me to write a blog…

Yeh now stop yelling .. I am almost getting to the point… After a long days travel the only thing I could think of doing late in the evening was just relax and sit on a shack on the beach… so we all girls headed towards Baga beach… it had become our second home in last 5 days… while we were talking about current affairs and world changing topic like which guy on the beach was smarty ;) a little kid came and stood besides me… he went on to say … “Didi tattoo banwaaooge”… (Which means – Sis, will you get a tattoo done)…. Well that translation was for all those who read my blog across the globe…. C’mon by now I do expect that my fan list is endless across the world…. ;)

So, I told little kid… go on with your tatoo… while he was showing his creativity on my arms I had a little conversation with him... which left me writing this blog and you guys reading this blog...


Me: So do you go to school?

Kid: Yes didi, I do… St.Marys

Me (A little shocked) : Which grade are you in

Kid: Didi 7th grade

Me: So you do this tattoo thing every evening

Kid: Yes, I go to school in the morning, and in the evening I do tattoo

Me: Who taught you to do this tattoo

Kid: Didi, no one teaches us… we learn…

Me(Again a little shocked): So what do you wanna become once you grow up

Kid: Software Engineer

Me totally shocked this time… I thought like every kid in Mumbai you ask, what you wanna become they say either Engineer or Doctor… no one knows why they wanna become one.., yeah now dare you give me that sarcastic smile… even I don’t know what the hell I am doing or have done by becoming an engineer… ;)… so thought of asking the kid the same question

Me: So why do you wanna become a software engineer…

And the reply I got just kept me strangled…

Kid: Didi, software engineers are likes scientists I feel… they invent new things…. They create new things which others can use… and if I become a software engineer even I can do that… tabhi hi tho desh aage badhega (Only then can our country progress)


I was left totally speechless with the little kids answer… how many of the well educated lot ...even think 1% close to this little kid… aimlessly we are running… some busy with work… some busy with money accompanied with work… some just busy… totally lost…

I then asked the kid.. apart from all this what are you good at… he said he sings… he has got 2nd prize in singing in his school… I asked him to sing the same song which helped him win the prize… and guess what he sung… “Make it a better place” song by Michael Jackson… and his English was amazing… so fluent… beautiful voice… simply amazing…

That little kid did leave me thinking… and I am still thinking… if few people in my generation can think as high as this little kid… this world would indeed be a better place…

Now I know its not hard for you guys to guess why I have posted a pic of mine with an unknown kid in the start of this blog…. Oppsyy!!! I almost forgot to introduce you guys to him… His name is Raju :) and he is India’s future :)

PS: I know after a really long time I have written something really serious… and being serious is seriously not good for my health… Doctor has recommended bakwaas talks… infinite laughter … enormous doses of crapy jokes to prevent me from being officially called – Insane ;)

So I log off now….For the 95% who thought I am truly gone for good… go back and get those ladoos back from your neighbours as I am very much alive… up and running… and for the remaining 5% who were truly concerned about me… do not worry… Its truly…. Me again!!!

Now its time to make up for making you guys read such a serious blog... heres some clicks from Goa... Indeed apart from the kid the beauty of this place did leave me speechless :)

Rashmi________________________(09th November, 2011)