Saturday, November 12, 2011



Long back “IT” was leaving.. and I screamed...

Please be here,
Don’t leave me please,
Don’t be such a tease…

But “IT” refused to stay..

“IT” said –
No way,
I have to go... its time,
To stay will be a crime…

I kept pleading-
I am not ready,
I need you buddy,
Forget the world,
They have always been cold…

But still “IT” didn’t stay…

“IT” said –
If I stay people will tag you,
As ‘Fool’ somehow,
Do you want to live with it?
And bear every brunt of it…

I continued –
I don’t care what they say,
Your presence in me is my way,
I don’t wanna be smart for the world to see,
Please please please stay I plea…

But “IT” left me… and now “IT’s” back

“IT” now says –
You have changed so much,
You no longer have the same touch,
I didn’t leave you to become this,
The old you I so much miss..

But to “IT” I replied….

Please leave now,
There is no place for you somehow,
You left me so that I blend in this world right,
Now I am one of them, have won the fight…

I continued…

I no longer need you anymore,
For you, I have forever closed the door,
I will indeed be called a fool now,
If I take you back in my life somehow…

To this “IT” replied…

I see, then I take a leave then,
I think in your life I am no where to be seen,
Do call me when you need me again,
As only me can make you whole and devoid of pain…

PS: “IT” => Innocence…

_____________________Rashmi(12th November, 2011)

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