Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hogaya kya Thanksgiving?


I know its late to write a blog on Thanksgiving… but for my Lord it’s never too late… ;)…

2 weeks back had gone to church… pastor was talking about giving thanks… He asked how many of us give thanks to the Lord… many started shaking their heads… which meant – “Of course we do”… Then he asked… how many of us give thanks to the Lord when we are sick… when we are upset… when things don’t go our way…. When our plans fail.. when our hearts break.. ? to this all of us were quite…

The theme of the sermon was – “God is in control… God has a plan for each one of us”

He then started with a story in the bible… On an honest note I don’t remember which book in the bible and the verse… but I do remember the story… it goes something like this…

One day a king see’s one of his slave and asks him… looking at ur plight you think God is good… Slave replied – Yes God is always good… Then one day the king goes for hunting in a jungle… slave also accompanies him… some animal attacks the king.. in the fight, the king looses half of his finger… all angry and upset the king again asks the slave – Do you still think that God is good… and the slave replies – Yes your majesty, God is good all the time… To this reply king gets really furious… he orders to keep this slave in prison…

One day again king goes to the jungle for hunting… there few people from some clan take the king into their custody… and he is all set to be sacrificed… when the king was just about the be sacrificed, the clan leader notices that his one of the finger is cut… the leader says – we cant sacrifice this man… as he is not complete… so they release the king… King goes back to his palace and orders to get the slave to him…. When the slave arrives King told him - now I know why God cut my finger… and due to that I was saved… he was good to me… but how was he good to you by sending you to prison… to this the slave replied – God is good.. and he was good to me because if I wasn’t in prison then I would be with you in the jungle hunting and looking at your half finger the clan leader would have sacrificed me instead … :)

So true I thought!!!

When problems come… we keep grumbling… we remove the frustations on everyone around us… when one plan fails we blame God… but God has his own plan and it will come to pass come what may… right… so as the pastor said… we need to give thanks to God not only when things go our way… but also when things don’t… because God has a plan … plan for everyone… plan to prosper us… but we need to keep trusting him come what may… then we will smile even when we are sick… when we are upset… when we have lost someone or something we love the most… as every thing that happens in life is Gods plan… and we should be thanking God that it has come to pass..

In Thanksgiving… all I want to do is thank god for all the good and not so good things that’s happening in my life… but never the less… I will keep trusting my lord my God… as I know he has a purpose and plan for all… and I hope he has one for me too ;) Right Lord ;)…


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