Sunday, November 13, 2011



After ages I feel annoyed… and sad part is I just can’t let it go off… pattern goes somewhat like this…. Something happens… you are annoyed… but you let it go… it happens again… again you let it go… and then in happens all over again… in my case something happened repeatedly zillion number of times…

And now I am so annoyed that I can even kill Russel Peter’s today if he tried to make me smile… Which simply means that wrong time to talk to me… truly…

Usually I write it out and let it out when I am angry, upset or happy.. but this is something I cant even write about… don’t really wanna make it an incident that I wanna look back tomorrow and recall… hence don’t wanna leave any documentation of the event….

Only some chilled music or rather a gun can help me calm down… Grrrrrr

Sorry no jokes today in this blog dude… Ciao…

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