Thursday, August 4, 2011

Again she asked me

Again she asked me_______________________

There I confronted her again…
Felt the same deep pain!

Again she asked me…
Why are you finding reasons to flee!

Again she had a question to ask…
Why are you still holding on to the mask!

Again she held me tight to say…
Why are you no longer walking on my way!

Again she had to ask me why…
Why do you no more stop by and say ‘Hi’!

Again she asked me about my biggest wish…
Why did you move on from a life that was bliss!

Again she accused me of leaving her…
Why to world’s call you did surrender!

Again she asked me about my void smile…
Why do I not even bother to talk to her for a while!

Again she asked about my attempt to save myself…
Why did you confront the truth to release yourself!

Again she asked me about the once felt intense love…
Why then did you let it all go with Buddha’s calmness somehow!

Finally she asked me “The” question which I was running from…
That was until now seen by none…

Finally she asked me… “Why did you desert me?”
“Me… Your dream… Why do you no longer long to see?”

_______________________________Rashmi (4th August, 2011)

*Added Later*

Based on the comments recieved by few looks like many couldnt understand the plot of the poem... So just wanted to add few lines to summarize the plot... in the poem "she" is none but the girls "dream" who keeps asking her questions through out the poem ... and the poem ends with the final question in which she asks the girl "why did the girl desert her (dream)" ? 

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