Saturday, December 10, 2011

Date with Myself

Date with Myself____________________________

Yeah today was a date with myself… Don’t tag me as “Insane” so soon… I have targeted to reach another level… with let you know when I reach there

But indeed a must needed timeout… Me with me… Nothing more… no one else… No phone calls (Yeah i have dozen of my friends already yelling saying -"Rashmi tu aise bhi phone kabhi nahi uthathi hai... busy bee")… No sms… No BBM messaging… No Wats app messages… No outlook emails… No client calls… No manila team pinging… No mom nagging… No dad pampering… No bro advising… No prayer time… No God around… No friends asking me out… No gym early morning… No running around… No traffic… No travelling… No noise… No rules laid down… No talking… No listening... No shopping (Ouch!!! That hurt!!!… had a long list planned for this weekend shopping with my best friend getting married next week) ;)

Listening to songs… movies… eating … thinking… laughing… smiling… writing (My best friend my pen and my words)… Loved todays day…

Also amazing news I got is… one of my friend is gone to Goa… and I have been praying for someone to visit Goa soon or else I would have had to plan a trip just for a day… Why? … Need to search someone there… If you guys are my great fans and have been following my blog regularly… I had mentioned that one tattoo maker kid by the name Raju has met me there… and his thinking and words did touch me deep… he wants to be a sw engineer and he had a very good answer when I asked him why he wanted to be one… even I didn’t have a sane answer when someone asked me when I was dancing around that I wanted to be an engineer… a voice in me had told me back then that I can be an agent and help the kid study… But I ignored the voice…. As always…

But when the voice keeps reminding u something everyday it makes you believe that indeed God wants us to do something about the thought .. and let it not be a vain… So I have asked my friend to go find the little kid in Baga beach … and ask the localites there on the beach… God please help my friend find the kid…

Day was good today… Date didn’t mess up thanks to my infinite mood swings since yesterday… I think I have managed to act a lil sane today… so please please plase… wean me from the “Insane” tagggg ;)

Chalo yaar , you don’t expect me to spend my vacations typing away on a laptop . And before I go back , I want to ask you a thing . If you look back at all the comments I have received from you over the last almost two years I have been blogging , around ninety percent of them would make my parents feel like they have been blessed with a girl of outstanding qualities . Of course , there have been some who have explained to me in no subtle terms that I should be in cage suspended over the Pacific Ocean . But in my heart , I feel that all of you have been incredibly kind to me over all this time . So this time around , I want you to be more honest and tell me what you don’t like about me . If you feel there is something about me you don’t like , tell me . I don’t promise you that I will attempt to change myself , but I promise you I will attempt to find out where you live and stab you when you are out on your morning walk . Ok chill , seriously , tell me what you hate about me . I won’t kill you …

Ps: I Love You!!!  Please ignore the "Pink" font color... ;)

_________________________Rashmi(10th December, 2011)

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