Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Christmas Letter

Christmas Letter

After few months I mailed one of my good friend at the client end in Canada… His name is “Al”… It had been so long I have left the project and got busy with the new team here in Disney… It had been long hence dropped him an email to ask how is he doing... Talking to believers indeed makes me feel blessed… God has blessed Al’s family so beautifully… Praise the Lord…

He sent me the Christmas letter which his wife has written for everyone… its so beautiful that I thought I should share it with all of you all… Through the letter I came to know that his little daughter “Megan” has moved to Mexico from US just to serve the Orphan kids… I feel so touched when I hear news like this… its like God has planted such beautiful plans for each one… And moving out of country, away from family and friends… for being around the kids and serving them… and running a Bible study group… sounds such a self less act… and it makes me feel… what am I doing…

Below is the Christmas Letter… Hope God blesses all of you all this Christmas!!!

Kvistad Family Letter: from our home to your home...

Christmas 2011

As always, we look forward to reconnecting with you at Christmas. As we send a sampling of what has happened over the past year, we hope in return to hear your news and stories.

Most of the time, our house is pretty quiet with just the two of us – Al and I. Megan and Chris lead very independent lives and are pursuing their dreams, but we treasure those times when they come home. Megan was home for 3 weeks this summer which allowed for much fun and frolic. Chris broke his pinky finger late summer and even though he had to wear a cast for 2 months, we enjoyed his frequent trips home for Dr. appointments (and a home-cooked meal).

Al is now a member of the 50 and fabulous club. I am so glad he has joined me! In celebration, when the kids were home early July, we headed to New Buffalo, MI, and stayed at a beautiful resort with an apartment type set-up on the harbor. We sizzled in the sun, climbed the dunes, and enjoyed some fine dining. This year Al’s job took him to Toronto 20 times (this meant the house was real quiet with just 1!). The hotel staff now recognizes Al along with several of his coworkers. In April, Al finished up serving for 6 years as a Deacon at our church and continues to help with financial recording. We are excited to have a new Pastor and his young family at our church.

Mardy had a summer full of time with other people. Besides the kids’ visits home, I hosted a Women’s Bible Study, drove to Colorado with my folks and a sister for an uncle’s memorial service, and hosted my Seattle girlfriend visit for 10 days with a shared trip to Iowa. At last year’s work Christmas party, Al won a year membership to the Morton Arboretum. Since March, I have made frequent visits with Al and various friends. Each season has its own unique beauty and great photo ops while hiking. I’m not sure how Al is going to top that Christmas gift! I did join the Facebook world, but use it mostly to view the kids’ photos.

Megan has comfortably settled into her ministry at Niños de Mexico – teaching and pouring into the lives of the girls who live in the same complex and the children who live in the other homes. Even though we look forward to reading Megan’s blog updates at, skyping, or talking on the phone, Al and I decided a visit was in order. Our trip was conveniently planned so that we arrived in Mexico on her birthday. Upon arriving, we gave her a small suitcase full of gifts and cards from family and friends back home, which was eagerly received. We had a great time with Megan on her turf - seeing how she interacts with others, viewing the sights in the Mexico City area, being impressed with her Spanish speaking skills, and sharing her 1 bedroom apartment. Can’t wait to give Megan a hug and kiss at Christmas.

Chris continues to keep himself busy with school, activities, and flexible year round jobs down at school. He has traveled the country with the U of I Ultimate Frisbee Team in spring (they even went to Nationals in Colorado). This fall, he played the cymbals for the drum line with precision.

Chris moved into a 6 bedroom, 3-1/2 bath apartment with 5 of his Fiji brothers. He will graduate in May with an Agricultural and Biological Engineering degree. Chris is interested in alternative or renewable energy resources and hopes to find a related job. Any leads, ideas, or contacts are appreciated! He is a hard worker, a people person, and will be an asset to any company.

Our favorite memories continue to be those shared with family and friends – whether it’s meeting for a meal, conversing over a cup of coffee, catching up through technology, or heading off together on a wild adventure. We are thankful for each one of you, people we hold dear. May the wonder of Christmas fill your heart and home with love.

Christmas Blessings,

The Kvistads (

______________________________Rashmi(10th December, 2011)

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