Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to say Goodbye!!!

How do I say Goodbye______________________________

Have you ever felt the pain,
After listening to a friend,
And story relates to you again,
From start to end…

It’s scary indeed,
When someone,
Opens the closed door…

The closed door – did open,
The feeling hit hard- being alone,
But how can I blame you my friend,
You were in pain, and you can’t pretend…

But it hit me hard to know,
I have changed somehow,
And like me many others wear a mask each day to flee,
From the pain which none can see…

My best friend said yesterday,
Though we change, it’s good in every way,
Now we no longer see life as “black or white” (right or wrong),
But we know.. Theres another zone called - gray, which indeed can be bright…

My friend time and again,
You did complain,
Why I don’t cry,
Why I wear a big wide – smile, that’s a lie?

To you I wanna say,
It’s not that I haven’t tried,
To cross the thin line,
To be all fine…

But today, to my surprise,
I failed the run I realize,
And from nowhere today I see these tears,
Maybe it was building up for years…

Ages ago…You asked me to forget it all,
To rise instead of fall,
To wash away the love,

After I feel solace to tell you,
My peace is no longer due,
As now I know, love is to let go,
So easily as the rivers flow…

Thanks for opening the closed door,
And letting me know more,
That it’s easy to move on than hold on,
And love ain’t a battle to be won…

Friend can you help me again,
I know it’s ended long back,
I know it was for real,
Wasn’t a lie…
But then, how do I say my last - Goodbye!!!

_______________________Rashmi(10th December, 2011)

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this one babes.. AWww touched me .. :'( .. bt sometimes it indeed best to let go ..
