Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good Bye!

Sabbatical Period

Yarron, time for a break… Break from writing I mean… I know, I know my writes is like your daily soap… All tadka of your life right ;) … But it’s time for my break which I take once in a year from writing…

I have already posted requirement for a tenant for this blog… many applicants in queue… I have finalized someone to take care of the blog… so that Mr.Spider does not start living without any lease ;)

So guys and gals… here I go… will be back soon…. Indeed with a bang…

Needless to say… Miss me a little… and I will miss you all more… for sure :) ... I usually dont promise anything... But this time - I promise :)

_______________________Rashmi(15th March, 2012)




Why the rush to move away,
When I was there for you every single day,
You are young, so be calm for now,
Don’t make a hasty decision somehow…


As always, today also I fail to explain,
When I want to talk it out, u are turning away again,
Somehow until now, I have lived for others mom,
For once I wanna be with myself, cmon…


I know what you are going through,
This phase I have seen, it’s not new,
I also know its not going to be easy,
But just relax my dear, don’t get dizzy…


From you I learnt so much of the right,
To live life with a smile, give it a tuff fight,
But I also learnt some of the wrong,
To keep things inside, you know I am so tired of being strong…


You have a long way to go dear,
In that journey I won’t be near,
Find a guy, do marry him,
I know a perfect family has always been your dream…


You know mom, hate to say this but your life scares me,
So from marriage I always did flee,
I have kept so much of these things inside,
Never cried, though alone with no one beside…


I know I always failed to tell you,
I always failed to express my love for you,
I was too busy raising you and your bro,
All alone, without your dad it wasn’t easy you know…


But mom what about you, what about bro and me,
What about your married life that did flee,
What about the moments he missed seeing us being born,
What about the fact that you were all alone …


But now he is back right,
Right with us, in front of our sight,
He is trying to make up for being away,
Don’t you think we need to give him a chance in every way…


Mom, love can’t be built overnight they say,
I just can’t connect to him now; I try but fail everyday,
He loves me I know, but I feel he is a stranger to me,
I just cant open up to him you see…

When we were kids, you took us to ISD booth every Sunday,
And tell us, ‘That’s your dad… Hello Daddy…you got to say’,
Little did we know who the person on the other end was?
Little did we know why were we talking, what was the cause…?

Every month end, a huge parcel arrived at home remember,
New clothes, new toys, oh those chocolates did surrender,
Back then I thought my life rocked, as my friends never got all of this,
Little did I know, in the bargain dad’s love I did miss…

I know it must have been hard for dad and you somehow,
But it’s harder for me to ignore all of this now,
I am happy that at least now you are getting to live your married life,
Finally you have your husband with you; you get to be dads wife :)


And you think moving outta home is the best way out,
Why don’t you just let go, in the past why are you caught,
I promise, we will make up for the times we were wrong,
For all those times you had to be strong …


I love you mamma, and I love dada too,
But I need to move out; I want to start new,
I will be back, this I promise you, don’t feel low,
But for now I have to go ….


Can you please give me one chance,
Dont turn away, give me another glance,
You are mamma's princess right,
How can I live with you away from my sight...


Your words make me weak,
With you alone my solace I can seek,
I am not going anywhere mamma I promise,
I will be right here with you and fulfill your every wish...

But mom, moments in life teach us,
So much,
Moments help us know us,
What we really are,
Greater the blow… Greater the learning…
You once said right…
But you didn’t tell me….
When will these blows end?
I have always been the strong one,
In the family,
Though being the youngest,
I should have lived a carefree life,
Accepted things.. Good and bad,
Loved infinitely,
Even let it go with immense calmness…
Lived all the blows mom,
But now…. I have to go…

Tired of smiling mama,
Everytime when something,
Goes wrong,
Always wanted to cry,
But thought smiling is better,
For once I wanna be me mama,
Please let me go...

I am little too tired of being strong mom,
Can you please hug me mama for once…
One last time before I leave...
I will be back… but for now…
Please let me go…

PS : I Love You Mom... More than you will ever know...and I know I will fail to show

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why do I feel like a fool?

Why do I feel like a fool?

Lord, why the abrupt change,
Indeed a new fight,
Now I know I am your blessed child right?

But, why do I feel like a fool again?
Why the flickering pain?

Lord, why did words change,
Indeed a test of faith,
In the moment oh so late…

But, why do I feel like a fool again?
Why the flickering pain?

Lord, why the surety change,
Indeed a shock,
With the click of the clock…

Indeed, feel like a fool again
Why the flickering pain?

Lord, why the sanctity change,
Patience test, is it now,
When I was least prepared somehow…

So feel like a fool again
Why the flickering pain?

Lord, why the promise change,
Indeed, my dumb to believe in it,
When for me it’s always been a misfit…

Totally feel like a fool again,
Why the flickering pain?

Lord, only “You” keep your word,
My best friend, my daddy God :)
You never let go with any change,
Strange :)

With you I am no longer a fool again,
And I feel no more of the flickering pain :)

____________________________Rashmi(15th March, 2012)

Best of Me - Nicholas Sparks

Usually after reading any Nicholas Sparks book I have loads to write about it... Somehow for his latest release "Best of Me"... I seriously got nothing to say... Speechless this book got me... and to top it... I just couldnt complete this book in a go... within few days... it practically took me 2 months.... just too hard to complete.... 

Please dont get any ideas... it wasnt boring... but this was indeed "best" of nicholas sparks so far.... if you are into reading... you know that few lines in the books hit you hard... but what do you do when every line in the book hits you hard... ;) ... This book is of that kind... Phew.... 

Bravo Rashmi!...You finally reached the finish line... ;)... 

Here are few quotes from the book.... I love the most :)

“That's why I loved being with you. We could do the simplest things, like toss starfish into the ocean and share a burger and talk and even then I knew that I was fortunate. Because you were the first guy who wasn't constantly trying to impress me. You accepted who you were, but more than that, you accepted me for me. And nothing else mattered-- not my family or your family or anyone else in the world. It was just us.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“Don't take my advice. Or anyone's advice. Trust yourself. For good or for bad, happy or unhappy, it's your life, and what you do with it has always been entirely up to you.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“Everyone makes mistakes, even if some are worse than others. Accidents happen.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“I don't know that I've ever felt as happy as I did that day, but then again, it was always like that when we were together. I never wanted it to end.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“Because you aren't just someone I loved back then. You were my best friend, my best self, and I can't imagine giving that up again." He hesitated searching for the right words. "You might not understand, but I gave you the best of me, and after you left, nothing was ever the same.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“Everyone wanted to believe that endless love was possible. She’s believed in it once, too, back when she was eighteen. But she knew that love was messy, just like life. It took turns that people couldn’t foresee or even understand, leaving a long trail of regret in its wake. And almost always, those regrets led to the kinds of what if questions that could never be answered.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“Please don't ask me to go with you, because if you do, I'll go. Please don't ask me to tell Frank about us, because i'll do that, too. Please don't ask me to give up my responsibilities or break up my family; I love you, and if you love me, too, then you just can't ask me to do these things. Because I don't trust myself enough to say no.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

"Forever"... He had carved the word on the workbench. A teenage promise, nothing more, yet somehow he had been able to keep it alive even after 20 years. She could feel the strength of the promise now.

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

“I gave you the best of me, he'd told her once, and with every beat of her son's heart, she knew he'd exactly done that.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Best of Me

PS: Dont expect me to pen down the story this time guys... I wouldnt be able to do it :)... Apologies :)

Me who Else :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Arre re Arre ;)


I know funny but this song makes my heart skip a beat... and vaguely i remembered that i had already written a blog on it way back in Dec 2010... See how good i get with dates.... ;) ... Techie you see... ;)

Enjoy ;)

Me who Else ;)

PS: Look at the font color... "PINK"... People who know me by 10% would know how much i am in love with this color :P....Definetly Srk makes me do these things I tell u :D

Activating Faith instead of Fear

Activating Faith instead of Fear_________________________

Looks like Joel always knows what kind of sermon is my “Food for the day”

Just heard this sermon today – “Activating Faith Instead of Fear”

Just apt for the day I must say… Fear and faith has one thing in common… both make you believe in something so strongly that is unseen… it depends on us what we want to activate… Faith or Fear…

Fear tells you… “It’s recession you might lose your job”
Faith tells you … “You are Gods little child… and his favor is gonna be with you forever”

Fear tells you… “You had one failed relationship… you are never gonna make it”
Faith tells you… “God’s chosen one will enter your life and you will have a blessed married life”

Just thought to myself… Indeed mann… Things that happen in the past makes one believe so strongly that those same things can happen again… and we tend to live those fears… and why our own fears… at times experiences of others too let us down… and we live their fears…

Fear is contagious… truly… if we are around people who are continuously talking about negative things… its time – “You find new friends”…

And if you cant … if you have someone who you are married to (Kidding)… or some co-worker you cant avoid… it just means God will give you the grace to handle it… all you would need is heavy doses of Gods words to increase your faith…

;)… Gyaan for the day… I must say… :) … But for me it was the apt sermon for the day :)

______________________________Rashmi(8th March 2012)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Conversations with Bro

Conversations with Bro___________________________


Come here,
My dear,
Stop walking,
Mind talking…


Talk about what,
With work ur caught,
Having your time,
Seems like a crime…


Please let that pass will you,
My busy life is something new,
I will take a while,
Please my dear, please smile…


Hmm… if you say so,
I will let the grudge go,
Let’s talk,
Let our heart's unlock :)


Why you running away,
In every way,
Why you living a guy’s life,
When you can be an adorable wife…


Hmm… what you talking about,
I am happy… a lot,
I am not running from anything,
There’s nothing to look back and blink…


You have stopped expressing a girls feeling,
Since long I am seeing,
You are scared to be the little girl,
That carefree girl…

You loved to cook,
You loved to dance,
You loved to sing,
You loved to play...

You “didn’t” love to travel,
You didn’t have any plans,
You loved to dream,
And live that dream in bright sunshine too...

You were waiting for your prince charming,
Who would take you away…
That thought made you smile…
You lived a girl’s life my dear…

Then today why the fear?


Yes I did,
Indeed I did,
And you are right,
I am caught in the fight…

Once I did it all,
And oh the great fall,
Broken dreams, broken promises I held,
For long…

Then thought, why not life a guys life,
Become strong, (Emotionally),
Focus on work,
Go places,
Build an empire…

Not wait for anyone,
Keep pushing forward,
Not cook for anyone,
Nor sing or dance...

Not dream,
Just plan,
And to my surprise,
All plans just worked…

No broken dreams anymore,
All seemed so perfect…


So are you happy now?
Now that you have it all,
Are you happy?







I am not…

I do miss the girl in me,
Who dreamt..
And dreamt with all faith,
And knew it would come to pass…

I miss the girl in me,
Who cooked,
With her solemate in her mind,
She knew she could cook the best for him…

I miss the girl in me,
Who did sing,
Despite her pathetic voice,
She knew someone loved to hear it…

I miss the girl in me,
Who danced,
When there was no one else,
To see…

I miss that girl,
Who never planned,
Lived one day at a time,
Never worried about the future…

I miss that girl,
Who had just one dream,
To have a family,
Of her own…


I knew it,
You have been running,
Stop the run,
Halt and see around…

You have come this far,
I am all happy about it,
But you have left something behind,
Go back… hold it again… its still there…

The little girl… she is still waiting…


I will bro, I will,
The day I find someone,
Who gives me a reason,
To express myself… Again

As a “Woman” :)

PS: *On Women's Day* ... Tuff to be a woman... Tuffer to remain one :) ...  But being one is a bliss... God has made women for a purpose... they are like salt in the family... Thanks Bro for reminding this :)

______________________Rashmi(8th March, 2012)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Of Death or Life... Confused

Of Death or Life... Confused__________________________

So , the last time I wrote something here , was a time when dinosaurs used to prance around the earth . Ok , that’s a slight exaggeration about the extent of my absence , but you get the drift. (Don’t worry just been 2 days, but mann that’s a lot of time as per my track record)

Absenteeism reasons , though I assume you care least about my absenteesim , than that part of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Ghum where Bacchan Saab tells SRK that he must not marry Kajol ( Oh yeah , now this is the part which makes my female friends go "oh wow ! Bata na Bata na ") , to , settling in a job where the best part of my day remains hitting the coffee button on the sputtering machine or discovering the OS on my laptop has crashed.

But at this part of the time, when I am all alone at home while my parents are out partying ;) and nothing much on TV, I think I will talk about something , which is totally unaligned with the kind of person I am… I mean , considering the kind of person I am , the deepest conversation I should be having should be about some elephant with a real bad digestion , but I say with the unflinching honesty of a Vinod Kambli on Sach ka Saamna , I am not trying to seem like the next Aristotle here .

So heres the topic – Death ;) … Bhagooo mat… suno tho ;)

Death , you know . That part of life which ends it . Considering that I have not yet not died though many sensible people have tried to eradicate me , I don’t know how it must be after death , but I do imagine it to be very quiet , relaxed , solitary and chill after death . I am not sure if there is a heaven for the good guys and a hell for the bad guys , and as a result , I am not very concerned about the old woman I pushed off the stairs last week . I mean , you understand how annoying it is to be not be able to rush down the stairs because a 67 year old ahead of you moves slower than a sofa , don’t you ? But the fact remains that I am going to die someday , wether it happens when I am digging into a hotdog ( I hope I have finished the most of it by that time , mommy says food should not be wasted )

And you know , what I am thinking about is that moment , that moment which is sitting delicately at the end of the road called life as it ends , yet opens up into the unknown chasm called death . 

That moment , when I will be on the verge of being lifted by death , and I will know in my heart “Shit yaar , yeh end hai , ab picchar baaki nahi hai mere dost” . Now no “Dawa ya Dua” can save me ! No people , no movies , no cars , no boss , no relationships , no money , no smiles , no Himesh Reshammiya , no fights , no competitions , no career , no TV ,no shopping, nothing , after the event called Death .

That moment , when I will know in my heart , that irrespective of my willingness to go or not , I would be gone next moment . In that moment , I imagine myself to feel guilty about the heart I broke , happy about the smile I brought on a face , sad about the moment I should have told my mother I loved her but did not , proud of the moment I believed in someone and stood by him , happy about the times I spent laughing with my friends , grateful for the moments somebody knew me as I am and accepted me , heartbroken about being a daughter lesser than a daughter I should have been . And just experiencing a little of that moment by writing about it , I am shocked by how easily do I forget what really matters . 

Kitni choti choti baton par senti ho jatti hoon main !

I mean , how easily do I forget that I am going to die and a lot of stuff doesn’t really matter . How easily do I forget that however blind I may try to be to my reality , that moment will thrust the sum of deeds in my face without leaving me with an escape route . How easily do I allow myself to lose perspective and be drowned in the useless ego fights , pointlessly hurting the very people I love , choosing not to express my love just because I am too proud to do so  or maybe today maybe too scared if my heart breaks again… not taking that stupid seeming but heartfelt leap because I never have .

How easily I forget the impending arrival of that last moment , and as a result , how easily I forget what really matters during the moments I have between now and that moment . How easily do I let myself be scared by the insecurities of a life unknown and continue to suffer a situation I don’t enjoy when that moment will snatch away whatever fake securities I build around myself . How easily I shut up my heart and listen to all the voices around me , when in the end , the only voice I will have to hear is the voice of my heart . How easily I forget death , and thus , how easily I forget how to live . I mean , sometimes I really need this perspective check and get out of the holed up thinking and view life in a more cool manner . I mean, I act like I have a lot to lose and get all scared and calculated , when hai kya mere paas khone ke liye ?

I know you are either confused , or bored , or both and would label the drivel above as some cheap regurgitation of some pocket book sized Geeta I recently read . But you know , I am just talking to myself , like those bollywood-ish village crackheads who roam around the village mumbling to themselves  :P

So chill , don’t walk out of this blog feeling all suicidal and kill yourself by smelling your own feet . Aise hee baat kar rahi thi . And the movie season kicks in pretty soon now , with “The Vow” , and I really need to spike up my movie watch counter this weekend . If any of you stays around Western Side and needs company over a movie , I am totally in , though don’t think I am running some shady “frandship club” with those heart shaped ads in hindi newspapers. By the way , watched "What’s your Rashee” today , and even though the end is a bit “Hain??” types , the movie did seem pretty delightful and 'feel good' to me . Moral of the story – Priyanka Chopra is not that bad an actress. I mean , she is a bit wooden , but not exactly teak . Second moral of the story - Just because I noticed Priyanka does not mean I am not straight !

And before I go back and cook some maggi for me ( Oh yes , it’s 10 in the night and I am really hungry , courtesy the fact that mommy offered me “kal ke raajma and parso ke chawal” for dinner) , please feel free to wack me when you meet me… God knows why I was thinking deep tonight ;)

_______________________________Rashmi(1st March, 2012)