Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Conversations with Bro

Conversations with Bro___________________________


Come here,
My dear,
Stop walking,
Mind talking…


Talk about what,
With work ur caught,
Having your time,
Seems like a crime…


Please let that pass will you,
My busy life is something new,
I will take a while,
Please my dear, please smile…


Hmm… if you say so,
I will let the grudge go,
Let’s talk,
Let our heart's unlock :)


Why you running away,
In every way,
Why you living a guy’s life,
When you can be an adorable wife…


Hmm… what you talking about,
I am happy… a lot,
I am not running from anything,
There’s nothing to look back and blink…


You have stopped expressing a girls feeling,
Since long I am seeing,
You are scared to be the little girl,
That carefree girl…

You loved to cook,
You loved to dance,
You loved to sing,
You loved to play...

You “didn’t” love to travel,
You didn’t have any plans,
You loved to dream,
And live that dream in bright sunshine too...

You were waiting for your prince charming,
Who would take you away…
That thought made you smile…
You lived a girl’s life my dear…

Then today why the fear?


Yes I did,
Indeed I did,
And you are right,
I am caught in the fight…

Once I did it all,
And oh the great fall,
Broken dreams, broken promises I held,
For long…

Then thought, why not life a guys life,
Become strong, (Emotionally),
Focus on work,
Go places,
Build an empire…

Not wait for anyone,
Keep pushing forward,
Not cook for anyone,
Nor sing or dance...

Not dream,
Just plan,
And to my surprise,
All plans just worked…

No broken dreams anymore,
All seemed so perfect…


So are you happy now?
Now that you have it all,
Are you happy?







I am not…

I do miss the girl in me,
Who dreamt..
And dreamt with all faith,
And knew it would come to pass…

I miss the girl in me,
Who cooked,
With her solemate in her mind,
She knew she could cook the best for him…

I miss the girl in me,
Who did sing,
Despite her pathetic voice,
She knew someone loved to hear it…

I miss the girl in me,
Who danced,
When there was no one else,
To see…

I miss that girl,
Who never planned,
Lived one day at a time,
Never worried about the future…

I miss that girl,
Who had just one dream,
To have a family,
Of her own…


I knew it,
You have been running,
Stop the run,
Halt and see around…

You have come this far,
I am all happy about it,
But you have left something behind,
Go back… hold it again… its still there…

The little girl… she is still waiting…


I will bro, I will,
The day I find someone,
Who gives me a reason,
To express myself… Again

As a “Woman” :)

PS: *On Women's Day* ... Tuff to be a woman... Tuffer to remain one :) ...  But being one is a bliss... God has made women for a purpose... they are like salt in the family... Thanks Bro for reminding this :)

______________________Rashmi(8th March, 2012)