Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good Bye!

Sabbatical Period

Yarron, time for a break… Break from writing I mean… I know, I know my writes is like your daily soap… All tadka of your life right ;) … But it’s time for my break which I take once in a year from writing…

I have already posted requirement for a tenant for this blog… many applicants in queue… I have finalized someone to take care of the blog… so that Mr.Spider does not start living without any lease ;)

So guys and gals… here I go… will be back soon…. Indeed with a bang…

Needless to say… Miss me a little… and I will miss you all more… for sure :) ... I usually dont promise anything... But this time - I promise :)

_______________________Rashmi(15th March, 2012)

1 comment:

  1. I guess I would miss them the most.. but early waiting for the spring with the bang bang .. .mwaaaaaaaaaaah!!
