Thursday, March 8, 2012

Activating Faith instead of Fear

Activating Faith instead of Fear_________________________

Looks like Joel always knows what kind of sermon is my “Food for the day”

Just heard this sermon today – “Activating Faith Instead of Fear”

Just apt for the day I must say… Fear and faith has one thing in common… both make you believe in something so strongly that is unseen… it depends on us what we want to activate… Faith or Fear…

Fear tells you… “It’s recession you might lose your job”
Faith tells you … “You are Gods little child… and his favor is gonna be with you forever”

Fear tells you… “You had one failed relationship… you are never gonna make it”
Faith tells you… “God’s chosen one will enter your life and you will have a blessed married life”

Just thought to myself… Indeed mann… Things that happen in the past makes one believe so strongly that those same things can happen again… and we tend to live those fears… and why our own fears… at times experiences of others too let us down… and we live their fears…

Fear is contagious… truly… if we are around people who are continuously talking about negative things… its time – “You find new friends”…

And if you cant … if you have someone who you are married to (Kidding)… or some co-worker you cant avoid… it just means God will give you the grace to handle it… all you would need is heavy doses of Gods words to increase your faith…

;)… Gyaan for the day… I must say… :) … But for me it was the apt sermon for the day :)

______________________________Rashmi(8th March 2012)

1 comment:

  1. Rash i need to hear this one as Joel sermons... :) thnks for introducing him to me..
