Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Grown Up's- Are We ?

Grown Up's- Are We ?

Recently I watched this show on television where in the host (Juhi Chawala) asks questions to kids… and for most of the questions kids did have interesting answers…

Juhis Question – What are the biggest 3 problems of your life

Kids Answer

1. If I go out and it rains and I do not have an umbrella I will get drenched. That’s big problem

2. If I fall down and hurt myself, mom will yell at me.

3. If I wreck my dads lappy, I should just apologize or else I will be in big problem

I thought to myself… when I was a kid , the answers to my question were simple and absolute… no ambiguity… none… I learned that 2 plus 2 is always 4… always believed that the harder you worked, better the grades you achieve… strongly thought that good behavior will always help you gain appreciation… thought one dies only when old age strikes…and I strongly believed in these things, with my little exposure to the world…

Love was such a simple concept… I knew we could fall in love with a guy younger to us or has a height less than a girls… marriage… if someone asked me back then I would say ofcourse , one has to get married to the one he/she loves…come what may… Moral science was simple… we all knew that God exists and he gives whatever we pray for… faith was infinite… knew he lived in the chapel in our school building… was absolutely sure about it… 100% … no doubts about it… none… no second thoughts either…

But the more I learned, my surety went for a toss…

Now I am not sure if hardwork can take you anywhere but yeah I am sure it can lead you to no where… Love can go for a toss… every relationship does not end up in marriage… God is everywhere now I know… but why is the faith so low at times… even when I sit in the same chapel in my school… I don’t feel His presence when back I knew 100% that God lived there…

I now know that working the hardest doesn’t necessarily make you the smartest, and you could study everything and still flunk. The guy who got lower grades than you in school could be making ten times more money than you are, and not every good deed goes appreciated. Someone with almost no publications could get into Harvard, while someone with many publications could end up in a local small university…

As a kid, I always thought there is an absolute answer that fits everyone’s questions. Not anymore. When I ask myself a basic question like, “Should I get married?”, I honestly don’t know the answer to it, even with all my knowledge and wisdom. On one hand, it sounds like a wonderful idea, companionship and all, but on the other hand, I am not so sure if it is that much of a value addition in my life. The honest answer is, “I don’t know”. Yet if you asked me the same question as a kid, I would have said, “Of course. Everyone should be married before they grow old and have white hair.” Then, there are other existential questions I struggle with, I have no direct answer to…

Looking at my philosophy I know I don’t stand any place in the corporate ladder… I am not smart enough for that post… but somewhere I feel like a hypocrite as I am growing where in I really don’t have answers to the simple questions in life and I sit in front of top clients and answer their technical issues…

Think about it…

__________________________Rashmi(5th October, 2011)

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